I Can Transform You


POV: Gerard

Something was obviously wrong with Frank, but even in my drunken state I could tell he wanted to be alone. He didn’t want me to follow him… So I didn’t. He walked away in the direction of his car and I wandered back inside Matty’s house.

The room was spinning, which was inconvenient, but I managed to maintain my balance by holding onto the walls as I walked through the hallway. After walking into every single person and inanimate object along the way, I finally made it into the kitchen.

The first thing I laid eyes on was Laura. My hot make-out buddy… Frank’s ex-girlfriend… The girl he had forbidden me to sleep with.

You know how when someone forbids you to do something, the want to do it becomes so much stronger? Yeah, that’s what I was dealing with.

It didn’t help that she was returning the stare I was giving her. There was some intense eye contact going on and I could feel the chemistry.

I gulped and quickly averted my gaze, taking an interest in my shoes. But it wasn’t long before another pair of shoes came into view, right in front of mine. They were black high heels and I knew straight away who they belonged to.

My eyes slowly lifted from the floor, taking in every inch of her long, tanned legs, and then her short and black low-cut dress, lingering on her chest for longer than they should have, before finally meeting her green eyes once again. She was standing so close that I automatically took a step backwards.

“I never caught your name,” she stated, looking at me expectantly.

This isn’t good. Maybe all she wants right now is my name, but what comes next? Me naked in her bed?

I swallowed nervously and backed away again slightly, trying to speak but no words were coming out.

“Well? What’s your name?” She asked more forcefully, raising her eyebrows higher.

Oh shit.

“I, uh… Look, I think you’re really hot, but we can’t have sex,” I eventually blurted out, like the fucking smooth operator that I am.

“Excuse me?” She frowned at me, looking slightly amused yet extremely confused.

I should have stopped there. I should have just stopped talking right fucking then and walked away. But common sense was absent from my head and I couldn’t stop the words pouring out of my mouth like word vomit.

“I mean, don’t get me wrong, I want to… But I’m virgin and I wouldn’t be any good,” I rambled mindlessly.

This earned a lot of strange looks from people in the kitchen around us. But I was just concerned about the look on Laura’s face. She looked freaked out, to say the least.

But still, I didn’t take the hint to shut the fuck up.

“And besides, Frank said I’m not allowed to do anything with you,” I sighed.

Her facial expression changed instantly at the mention of Frank’s name.

“Oh, did he now?” She smirked, looking strangely proud of this revelation.

I opened my mouth to reply, but before I had a chance she took a step forward and put her hands on my waist, closing the distance between us.

I gulped again.

“Y-yeah… He said you guys used to date… So I guess itwouldbeweirdforhim,” I replied quickly, my words coming out in a slur and almost just one long word.

She gave me a lopsided smile and said; “he’s just jealous, baby. Don’t listen to him… He’s not the boss of you.”

It was getting harder to keep my self-control now she was flirting with me. I really liked her. I kind of hated Frank for saying I couldn’t have her. I mean, she’s right… He’s not the boss of me!

I didn’t even have time to form a response before her hands were on either side of my face, pulling me down to kiss her again.

Oh fuck it.
♠ ♠ ♠
It's short, I know. Next chapter coming right up!

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Sweet Pandemonium
Shed Your Yellow
