Sequel: Follow Me Home

Lead the Way

What is SHE Doing Here?!

I lifted my head from my pillow it was late and I must have fallen asleep in my best friends bed room. I had a moment of amnesia trying to figure out how I might have gotten to his house in the first place but it wasn’t like it matter. My sister would be pissed either way. Seeing as my best friend happened to be her boyfriend and she really preferred I didn’t hang out with him or get to know his “band” as she put it. I hadn’t met any of his band mates so I don’t know what she’s so concerned about.

I defiantly don’t have the hots for her boyfriend if that’s what she’s worried about. I love him but he’s too much like a brother for me to ever really date. Though I don’t know maybe someday I could see us together but for now I won’t touch him.
My red hair reflected the little sunlight that was coming through the blinds though the sun was setting so there really wasn’t much sun at all. I yawned and threw my legs over the side of his bed glancing around the room. His room fascinated me, it was painted every color he wanted in every shape and design a person could think of. His room reflected his personality, out of his mind.

I ran my fingers through my disheveled hair and closed my eyes for a moment as I stood up gaining my balance. I made a path to the door pushing His junk around the floor so I could at least get to the door with out tripping and falling. Finding the door finally I opened it and stepped out into the hallway. As soon as I did a smell hit me, a very amazing smell meaning he was cooking.

I took the stairs two at a time as I made my way to the kitchen excited to see whatever it was he was cooking. I busted through the kitchen door and closed my eyes and drew in a deep breath “It smells amazing jimmy” I laughed lightly letting my eyes open. Then I realized the man standing there in front of the stove…wasn’t jimmy.

“Well I’m not Jimmy but uh…thanks for noticing?” He was shy at least he was acting like it. He had gorgeous emerald green eyes, short disheveled red hair, and he had snack bites and was a little thicker then my best friend was, and not to mention he was also a bit shorter then my best friend.

“No…you aren’t Jimmy” I rubbed the back of my neck a little embarrassed. The green eyed boy just shrugged his shoulders.

“No big deal. I’m Zacky” He turned away from whatever he was doing and held his hand out to me. I took his hand into my own and shook it slightly looking at him just studying his face.
“I’m Riley” I smiled softly and let go of his hand. “Do you know where Jimmy is?”

“Yeah, he’s in the basement showing off his drum skills.” Zacky smirked as he turned back to whatever it was he was cooking. Go figure jimmy was showing off his drumming abilities. I’m not surprised; he does this every time he gets the chance or whenever he gets a new drum kit, which he did happen to get just yesterday.

“Thanks…Zacky!” I laughed chewing on my lip slightly. “Make sure you make enough of whatever that is for me because that smells really damn good.” I announced before bouncing out of the kitchen and toward the basement stairs. Now that I was near the basement I could hear Jimmy going crazy on his drums downstairs.

“That’s sick dude!” I herd another unfamiliar voice shout once Jimmy had stopped playing. Then I herd a voice that I wasn’t too found of.

“I told you my boyfriend was amazing!” it was my sister. The annoying little wench, just because she was older she thought she owned everything she looked at. It was ridiculous and the majority of the times made me want to slap her. I slowly walked down the stairs smiling when the first person I saw was Jimmy at his drum set scratching his head with the end of his drum stick.

“Jimbo!” I called, moving around the room a bit; taking note of the larger man that I think had been the one shouting earlier. He had dark aviators on even though we were in side. His black hair was slicked back and he was buff and covered in tattoos. I wonder where my sister found these people.

“What is she doing here Jimmy?!” My sister had to ruin everything. I swear she was the grim reaper of fun just ask any one…well don’t ask Jimmy I’m sure he’d tell you she’s lots of fun.
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what do you think so far?