Sequel: Follow Me Home

Lead the Way

Without You

“Fuck. Stay here.” I directed before running out into the living room shocked by the scene before me. Jimmy was cowering in a corner and Leana had thrown everything at him but the furniture. I could see by some scrapes and cuts on his arms that some of what she’d been throwing had hit him so far. And what had made the loud noise was her throwing a vase at his head. Why he kept a vase in the living room I will never know he liked the random things he had but I could see that some of the glass had gone into his leg when she’d thrown it.

“We can’t be over you asshole! You owe me everything!” my sister screamed reaching for something else to chuck at him. I grabbed her by the hair, not something I would normally do, and threw her away standing between her and Jimmy.

“I dare you to make one move toward him right now. I am NOT afraid to call the cops. He’s covered in little cuts and bruises from you throwing shit what the hell is wrong with you!” I screamed at her causing everyone in the house to come into the living room and stare. I had kind of a demonic scream when I was pissed off. It was a scream that demanded authority and obedience.

“You’re the reason he’s leaving me.” She hissed at me getting up ready to attack me but Val got in her way and smiled.

“Don’t move any closer. I might have just met Riley but I can tell you that I like her a hell of a lot more then I like you and I’m not afraid to kick your ass.” Val hissed. And soon the two of us were joined by Michelle and Lacey and Gena.

“I think its time for you to leave” Michelle hissed through her teeth and Leana actually looked frightened. I glared as she scrambled to her feet and ran out of the house. I let out a soft sigh before turning my attention to the man standing in the corner of the room trying to pull the little shards of glass out of his leg himself.

“Ok come on you big baby.” I spoke softly making him sit in the love seat before going to get the first aid kit and coming back to him. “I’m going to take him upstairs so I can asses the damages and make sure he’s ok” I told everyone else as I heaved jimmy up off the chair and grabbed the first aid kit leading him up to his room. Once we got up to his room I sat him down on his bed and looked at him. “Take off your pants so I can get the glass out.” I said softly. He sat down on the bed and slide his jeans off and I sat on the floor between his legs and began to remove the glass.

“I didn’t invite her to band practice.” He said softly hissing in pain as I removed some of the glass that was in a rather high up tender area.

“I know you didn’t Jimmy. If you think I’m mad I’m not.” I laughed softly as I bandaged what needed to be done and helped him put his pants back on before looking him in the eye. I kind of felt my self get lost in the way we were looking at each other. I bit down on my lip and brushed some dirt off his face smiling as I looked away.

“I don’t know what I’d do with out a best friend like you Riles.” He said softly kissing the top of my head before standing up and offering me a hand. I took his hand and smiled gently at him.

“I hope we never have to find out.” I said softly under my breath trying to shake the feelings that I was having. This couldn’t be happening…I couldn’t be falling for my best friend.
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