Sequel: Follow Me Home

Lead the Way


I guess I had dosed off to sleep because the next thing I knew The bus had stopped moving and all the boys were up except for the one still asleep on my lap. I smiled and looked at the empty bucket. He hadn’t thrown up any more that was good. The challenge would be taking care of him after he kicked his own ass in the show tonight.

“Oh good you're awake we have about a half hour for sound check then were on.. So could you wake him up?” Matt asked batting his eyelashes at me like I’d seen him do at Val whenever he wanted something.

“You are a huge dork you know…” I trailed off looking at him strangely. “But yeah I’ll have him out there in a minute.” I said softly and Matt nodded moving out of the back room. I shook my head these people were perfect friends for Jimmy.

“I don't wanna move” I was startled by the raspy voice from my lap. I laughed gently and set my hand on his cheek rubbing it lightly and shaking my head. “Well you have to get up and sound check then you have a show for all those fans that you love so much.”

“OK fine I'm up.” He moved to sit up quickly but only ended up falling back over on my lap. I looked at him.

“That was a smart move genius move slowly you were throwing up your guys earlier and I'm sure you will be after the show.” I said moving out from under him and helping him sit up.

“Yes mom” he stuck his tongue out at me causing me to fold my arms across my chest.
“Ok fine I won’t get you some Gatorade, a cinnamon pop tart, a clean shirt, OR a shower tonight in a hotel room.” I closed my eyes and faced my nose toward the roof trying to pretend I was seriously not going to do any of that. I herd him gasp and then felt his arms around my waist.

“I’m sorry! I want all those things ‘cept for a shirt. I don’t need no stinking Shirt!” he pleaded with me forcing me to open my eyes and look at the pethetic blue ones staring back at mine.

“Okay. You lay here I’ll go get you those things. And the shower comes after the show tonight. I had Val call some hotels and make reservations for you guys tonight. So you can all get a shower and a good rest on a bed tonight!” I laughed at how excited he looked at the mere mention of a shower.

“Are we sharing one big hotel room though?” he groaned as his arms fell from my waist. I rolled my eyes he knows better than to think I would stuff his sick butt into a room full of healthy band member.

“No. The other girls are flying in for a few nights so each couple has a room ‘cept for you. You’re stuck sharing a room with me.” I stuck my tongue out at him. “Now stay put.” I walked out of the back room and out to the front where all the guys had already gone for sound check. Val and Michelle looked at me with questioning looks.

“They are on in like ten minutes. Any clue where Jimmy is?” Michelle looked around making the observation that clearly jimmy wasn't behind me.

“I’m getting some Pop tarts and Gatorade for him.” I pulled them out of the fridge and the little storage box in the closet next to the fridge. “Can you guys put these in that little back pack right there I have to go get sick.”

“Yeah. We’ll meet you backstage with it. Here’s your pass and his pass.” Val got up handing me our passes. I clipped mine to a rope I wore around my neck and then went to the back room and clipped Jimmy’s pass to his belt loop before looking at him and holding my hands out.

“Come on Lets get you back there so you can play for your amazing fans.” I teased shaking my head. He took a hold of my hands and let me lead him off the bus and threw the already forming mob of fans. “Jesus you do have lots of fans.” I mumbled under my breath. I hadn’t actually gotten to see how many fans they’d created in just a few months of touring it was insanity

“I told you so” He stuck his tongue out at me and I glared.

“You sure you want those pop tarts?”

“Yes” He whined looking at me. I shook my head even though I had to look up at him I could still sort of hold some sort of authority.

“Then be nice!” I pouted in return. He nodded and we stumbled our way to the backstage area smiling and I handed him off to Matt who helped him onto stage. I shook my head this was not a good idea at all. There was no way he was going to make it through the show with out throwing up.
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why am I even continuing this story?