Sequel: Follow Me Home

Lead the Way

Pass Out

“Don’t worry so much.” Val said softly setting her hand on my shoulder. I shook my head looking at her.

“Val that’s not fair. That would be like telling you not to worry about matt.” Michelle voice coming up from behind us causing my cheeks to turn a soft shade of pink. Val looked like she was lost in thought for a moment before nodding.

“I guess your right. But if that was matt …. Your right Michelle because if that was matt I would be doing the same thing she is.” She smiled and handed me the small package of pop tarts and the Gatorade I’d asked for. Matt had started to introduce the band and what songs they were going to play.

“Thanks val.” I mentioned quickly before ducking out onstage and setting the pop tarts by his feet knowing he’d eat them when ever he had a break in a song and I opened the Gatorade and handed it to him before running back off stage.

“I would Like you all To thank our Drummer who was puking his guts out earlier and is going to fight through it for you guys tonight!” matt shouted into the mike and the whole crowd screamed and cheered. I shook my head looking at Jimmy who had taken a few sips from his Gatorade and then put it by his pop tarts. He sent me a wink to say thank you.

“I really don’t feel good about this guys” I looked between the twins and let out a heavy sigh. My gut kept telling me letting him play tonight was a mistake. Was I just being paranoid or should I have told Matt to cancel the show? They had an 8 song show tonight and I couldn’t take my eyes off jimmy.

Two songs in and I noticed Jimmy get pale. I looked around for a bucket finding one that had been filled with ice at one point and threw the ice away running out and setting it down by his side for him to throw up in. Which he did…While he was playing and never missed a beat. I would of course go and pick the bucket up clean it and set it down and it was like that during every song he threw up at least once. I thought that maybe he’d get through it ok…

Song Seven came on and Jimmy was pale and his drumming was a little off but not so much that the fans would really be able to tell. I could see him teetering to the side of his chair and his feet stumbling over his drums a bit.

“Val get matt’s attention!” I panicked as I could see even more color drain from his face. Val seemed confused because she figured jimmy was just pale from barfing all show long. “Please Val he’s going to pass out!” I shrieked.

“He’s fine Riley.” She tried to reassure me but I knew I was right and not even a minute later his drumstick fell from his grip and he passed out into his drum set.
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