Sequel: Follow Me Home

Lead the Way

They'll Hate Me

I looked at Val a little pissed before running out on stage not caring who saw me as I moved Jimmy’s chair and moved his passed out body Off the drum set and laid him on the ground behind his drums.

“Some one get a medic!” I shouted not caring that the whole place had gone silent. His band mates were all just staring at me in awe. I looked at them playing mother hen yet again “GO GET A MEDIC!” I shouted at Brian who ran off to go get one. I looked at Jimmy moving his head into my lap.

“Is he ok?” I herd matt ask from where he was standing his microphone now on the ground and he was at my side.

“He’s fine he’s just really dehydrated.” I said softly as the medic finally showed up and they moved him to a little hospital bed and moved him to the medical room they had set up backstage incase some one got hurt.

“I’m sorry I should have listened to you.” Val bit her lip as she apologized. I just sighed and hugged her slightly letting her know I wasn’t mad at her. Then I followed the medics back to the little medical station they had set up.

“Ugh what Happened?” I herd a voice croak as I entered the room. I smiled seeing him awake not to happy to see the IV in the arm but if that was the only way to get fluid into him then I was all right with that.

“You passed out on stage.” I said softly walking over and running my fingers through his sweat soaked hair. “ You need a shower so bad” I grumbled.

“Well as soon as the bus takes us to that hotel I will shower!” he declared causing me to laugh out loud. He gave me a confused look.

“Yeah like I’m going to let you shower after passing out on stage.” I crossed my arms across my chest causing him to gape at me like I’d lost my mind. Which at this point in the night it was entirely possible I had lost my mind.

“What if…I shower with the door open that way if I fall or something you would know?” He asked as he lifted his non-Ivied arm up and ran it through his own hair making it stand on end much like the lead guitarist did.

“I guess I can deal with that. But I think you have to sit here for a few more minutes.” I looked over to the medic who was fiddling with it then looked at the bag then back at me.

“Give it about five more minutes then he can leave.” His voice was timid and rough but assertive and if the medic wanted him on five more minutes of that drip then five more minutes it was.

“I told you…you shouldn’t have played tonight.” I said softly shaking my head as I looked down at him. He looked at me sadly knowing that I had been right.

“I Know but I can’t let them down they’ll hate me.”
♠ ♠ ♠
the last line is my favorite.
What do you think?