Sequel: Follow Me Home

Lead the Way


“Jimmy if they are real fans they’ll worry sick about you until they hear that you’re ok. If they aren’t real fans then down the road they will find something to hate you for any way!” I sighed running my fingers through my hair.

“I know."

“And god only knows what you have and you don’t want to give that to all your fans!” I pouted at him and I knew I had him.

“I know your right I’m sorry.”

“As long as you know that I was right that’s all that matters.” I teased “no what matters is that you’re ok.”

“You’re a dork.” He spoke softly as the five minutes came to a close and the medic un-hooked him from the machine. He rubbed his arm where the IV had been before taking my hand. “I wanna shower!” he whined as he pulled me out to the bus. I shook my head.

“And you say I’m the dorky one?” I asked him raising an eyebrow as he practically dragged me to the bus where he climbed on and waved at the other who were all relieved to see him.

“To the Hotel right?” Jimmy asked looking at Val and Michelle who had been talking about something obviously that Jimmy had interrupted.

“Yeah its right around the corner then Zacky and Johnny are off to the air port to pick up their women.” Val finished and looked at him as if she was checking if he had any serious damage or not.

“Yeah come on Jim lets just go sit in the back.” I said softly taking him by the arms and leading him to the back of the bus as it started up. Even though we’d only be in the bus for a few minutes I didn’t feel like dealing with any one at the moment.

“You ok Riles?” he asked me as we got to the back of the bus I just shrugged my shoulders looking at him.

“I’ll be fine. We need to get you better though.” Just as I finished my sentence the bus came to a stop and everyone started to get off. As we were getting off Val stopped me. I don’t think she knew Jimmy was waiting only a few feet away from me.

“I’m really sorry about earlier Riley. I should have listened to you. I’m just so used to Matt doing stupid stuff and pushing his body and he’s never passed out like that. You know jimmy a lot better then I do. That would have been like some one telling me I didn’t know what I was talking about with matt....” she looked at me she really was sorry. I smiled gently and shook my head.

“Val its no big deal. A lot of people don’t listen to me…I’m not his girlfriend I’m just his best friend. Always have been, but I do know more about him then any one else even his parents or my sister. Don’t let any one fool you.” I said softly and Val laughed.

“Honey everyone on that bus can see that you are in love with that man I’m sure even he can see it. And it’s obvious that he’s in love with you too. I don’t know when one of you are going to do something about it but when one of you do you guys are going to have something that I and Matt have and its going to be amazing.” She said softly patting me on the shoulder. I looked at her letting out a small laugh.

“Thanks Val but I doubt he thinks of me like that.” I said softly as I hugged her good night and walked over to Jimmy hoping he hadn’t herd any of our conversation.

“What room are we in?” He asked as we made our way to the desk to pick up the key. I looked at the room number on the key and looked at him.

“Room 237 it’s upstairs” I handed him the key and watched him make a run for it. He was going to throw up again I could see it written all over his face. I looked at the desk clerk who looked horrified.

“SORRY!” I herd him shout as he threw up on the floor and continued to race to the room I waited until I herd a door open and slam and looked at the clerk.