Sequel: Follow Me Home

Lead the Way

Don't throw that!

“Leana relax ok?” Jimmy stood up his voice sounding like he was an old man dealing with a rather disobedient child and he was just sick of telling the child no. I had never heard him talk to her like that. She must be crawling all over his nerves today.

“No Jimmy! I want to know what she’s doing here!” She shrieked causing the buff man to cover his ears and look at my sister like she had lost her mind. I closed my eyes becoming agitated with her my self.

“Leana if you would shut up for a god damn minute I’d tell you!” He shouted back at her causing all three of us in the room to look at him shocked. Yet another thing I’d never herd him do raise his voice. He never raised his voice no matter how mad he got that just wasn’t Jimmy.

“I will show…..” I looked to the man whose aviators were now pushed down his nose a little bit to asses the situation. “…Mister Aviators, upstairs while you two work this out.” I turned and grabbed the larger mans arm and thankfully he allowed me to drag him up the stairs before any one could really protest this action. Once I had my self and Jimmy’s friend safely upstairs I looked over at Zacky who was still cooking away.

“I’m Matt by the way”

“Huh?” I turned to the man whose voice was deep but raspy at the same time and it was almost enough to make a girl melt. He’d taken his aviators off his face and was now looking at me with the most beautiful hazel eyes.

“I’m Matt but if you prefer to call me mister aviators that’s fine.” He teased causing his dimples to show. Man Jimmy had some gorgeous friends! This is probably why my sister never wanted me to meet them.

“Oh!” I laughed shaking my head, as he smiled, to try and get my head on straight. “I’m Riley” I smiled innocently as we shook hands. I drug my feet over the tile floor and peeked over Zacky’s shoulder to see what he was cooking. I was about to stick my finger into the pan and pick out some of the bacon that was cooking before he slapped my hand away. I pulled my hand back and pouted.

“That’s hot!” he scolded me much like you would scold a child. So in return for making me feel like a child I stuck my tongue out at him and giggled.

“So! Bacons worth getting burned for”! I glared at him playfully and waited until he moved to another pan to stick my fingers in the pan and pull out a small piece of bacon of course burning my index and middle finger in the process. I let out a small squeak before sticking them both in my mouth to make the burning go away.

“I told you!” Zacky couldn’t hide the smirk on his face or even in his voice. I glared at him even harder now. Not because I was mad because it was my own dumb fault for sticking my fingers in the pan in the first place, but just because I could.

“I can’t believe you let her in the house and let her sleep on your bed!” I herd my sister scream at the same time that she appeared at the top of the stairs chucking one of Jimmy’s drumsticks, that she’d had in her hand for whatever reason, at Jimmy.

“Leana! Don’t fucking throw things at him!” I shouted now getting pissed off and feeling over protective of my best friend. I knew that Jimmy would never throw something back at her and he’d just let her beat him until she walked out of the house and I wasn’t about to allow that to happen.

“I’ll do whatever I like!” she snapped turning around to face me. The burning in my fingers didn’t even distract me as I grabbed my sister by the collar and dragged her to the front door throwing her outside.

“Come back again tonight Leana.” I hissed “I dare you. I’ll have the cops called on you for assault and battery. Don’t think I won’t.” I growled at her. She glared at me before picking her self up off the ground and stomping out of the yard. I watched her leave before shutting the door and going back into the kitchen. Jimmy was now sitting at the table rubbing his forehead.