Sequel: Follow Me Home

Lead the Way


I spun around looking for which way they were coming from. I pulled my cell phone out and held it against my chest. I fell down against one of the head stones and curled up against it hoping I would be safe there.

“Matt told us not to follow her!” I herd a voice snap. They were following me…they had been following me and they knew the guys maybe they weren’t so bad.

“Do I look like I give a fuck what matt told us to do?” another voice snapped. “Leana is the one that hired us there for I am not going to listen to Matt I’m not scared of him!” Or…Maybe I was in a lot of trouble and curl up and die in this little whole right now.

“Look. Leana wouldn’t know anything if we just turned around now I mean come on… Her sister isn’t going to go near Jimmy now any way can’t we just leave her alone…” The first voice pleaded.

“Shut the hell up!” the second one snapped “I want to get paid and if you don’t shut the hell up I’ll tell her and she’ll have your ass beaten senseless so you won’t tell the guys now shut up!” My whole body shook as I opened the cell phone…wrong move.

“I can’t find her any way!” The first one whined.

“Look that light! Its from a cell phone! She’s over there!” The second voice shouted and I couldn’t help the small scream that came out of my throat as I stood up looking at the two bodies coming towards me.

“Get away!” I screamed as I looked at the two men headed my way I wasn’t even sure what to say at this point. They were both coming at me whether or not I wanted it at the moment and I had no idea what they had in store for me and I wasn’t sure I really wanted to find out.

“Oh come on Princess this will only hurt…A lot.” The second voice said causing me to turn around and try and run but in the dark in a cemetery filled with random holes and head stones I didn’t get very far before tripping and falling and having the wind knocked out of me for a moment.

“Oh princess you should have stayed away from Jimmy in the first place” The first voice said reluctantly. I could finally get a good look at the man. They had been security guards for the arena that the boys had played in tonight. I shook my head as I tried to crawl away but they got a hold of my ankles.

“No Please! I won’t go near him again I promise just don’t hurt me.” I whimpered even offering the money I had in my purse at this point and any of the jewelry I was wearing which was only a ring that was a cheap ring Jimmy had gotten me from a vending machine

“No can do Princess” The first man cooed into my ear before I felt something cold and metal wrap around my wrists so I couldn’t move them. Then I was pulled and my hands were hooked over a head stone and I knew what was coming next. I Knew I couldn’t stop it and I knew that I would be lucky to be alive when they were done with me.
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but maybe if i get enough comments
I'll post up another chapter tonight :P