Sequel: Follow Me Home

Lead the Way


“Please” I cried softly looking the first man directly in his eyes. He looked at me for a moment then began to slowly back away but the second man stopped him by growling.

“Shut up” He growled tying a gag around my mouth and hitting me across the face hard. He pushed my clothes from my body with out a second though being careful not to tear any of them and he wore gloves on his hands as if not to leave prints. They were going to kill me.

“Look just…Do the deed and lets leave alright. Don’t kill her” The first man said assertively.

“I’ll help you but don’t kill her. We can’t go to Jail if she’s alive. She won’t tell any one. She’s scared to death but if we kill her they will find us.” Well thank god he was thinking! I let out a quite whimper behind the gag receiving a hard kick to the side of my stomach

“Fine” the second voice growled and then I closed my eyes and let it happen because there was nothing else I could do at that point and maybe if I shut up and didn’t struggle they wouldn’t kill me after they were done violating me.

They had their fun and left me there after adding a few kicks and punches to me leaving the gag around my mouth but carefully redressing me and then taking off. It was starting to get light by the time they took off. I guess I’d been there all night with them.

I laid their on the ground tears still running down my face I was covered in dirt and I felt disgusting. I closed my eyes and tried to block out the pain I was feeling and I just couldn’t make it go away. I laid still there on the ground until I herd my cell phone go off. Slowly I moved my arm to reach where it had been tossed to the other night before the assault.

“Hello?” I said softly into the phone not looking at the caller ID before I picked it up which I probably should have after what I had just gone through.

“Hey we have to leave soon are you coming?” It was matt’s soft unsure voice on the other end and slowly I made my self sit up.

“Yeah...give me thirty minutes and then I’ll be there ok?” I croaked into the phone knowing I needed to find some where to clean up my face at the least I needed to try and get some of the dirt off. I’d just tell matt I got drunk and went to a party and passed out in the front yard.

“Ok but no longer then that. Val is worried sick and so am I and the rest of the guys.” And with that he had hung up. I stumbled around for a bit finding a gas station I stumbled into the bathroom before wetting some of the paper towels and wiping my face of the spit and dirt. It took me a few minutes but I finally looked my self in the mirror and saw the bruise on my cheek from something I’d said last night. It wasn’t even a hand mark I looked like I had smacked my face on a door knob or something like a coffee table. It was right on the edge of my eye.

“Great.” I grumbled touching it whimpering at the touch. But hell at the moment every part of my body hurt and the little bruise next to my eye was not the biggest concern of mine. I looked down at my pants spotless the asshole was lucky I wasn’t a virgin in the first place or I would have bled everywhere. Hell I’m amazed I didn’t bleed or maybe I did and he just stuck around so my pants wouldn’t be bloody. Ugh great a rapist who thinks ahead!

“Ma’am are you ok?” I herd a knock on the bathroom door. I let out a soft sigh throwing the dirty paper towels away before opening the bathroom door and looking at a small dark complexion middle aged woman. Gray hair covering her small scalp and worry covering her aged face, yet some how she was still beautiful.

“Yes…Thank you, for letting me use your bathroom.” I said softly smiling at her and digging into my pocket realizing they had taken my purse with them. I pulled a dollar that I kept in my pocket out and handed it to her before rushing out of the gas station and running back to where the bus was parked.

“Riley!” I herd some one scream
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to the three that commented
'cause i love my commenter's :)