Sequel: Follow Me Home

Lead the Way

Just Fine

“Riley!” I herd some one scream and I stopped running and smiled slightly to see Val standing out side the bus worry still etched on her face as she ran at me hugging me tightly causing me to feel a bit closed up. I pulled away from her a little too quickly and she noticed.

“Hey come on we need to get on the bus.” I spoke quickly hoping she’d leave the subject and she did. We both jogged onto the bus just as the bus driver had started to throw a fit.

“You can head out now we are all here” Matt told the bus driver before looking at me. I looked up at him and rubbed my temples for a moment before he grabbed both my arms I’m sure he was trying to get a better look at the bruise on my face but I freaked.

“Get off!” I screeched at him throwing his arms away from me and backing into a corner between the sink and the fridge Everyone that was in the bus had come out to hear what I had just screamed at. Val looked even more worried and Matt looked horrified that he might have done something wrong.

“Riles.” I herd Jimmy’s soft voice calling from some where in the crowd of men and women staring at me concerned.

“Let her be Jimmy She’s fine.” I herd my sisters sick little voice coo into Jimmy’s ear.

“Princess she’s hurt.” He cooed back at her causing my body to freeze up at the use of the nick name princess.

“I. Can’t. Breath” I panicked running out of the corner and to the little bathroom slamming the door and immediately hunching over the toilet losing anything that I might have had in my stomach.

“What did you do to her” I herd Val screech at some one I don’t know who but I bet it was Leana she was screaming at.

“I didn’t do anything!” Her voice came out thick and innocent which just made me throw up even harder then I had been.

“Girls… don’t fight right now. We need to figure out what’s wrong with her then you can fight over who hurt her… if she will even talk to us.” I don’t know who said that but I didn’t care at the moment. I stayed in the bathroom for a good twenty minutes before forcing my self to stand up flush the toilet and rinse my mouth out with water and walk out to the front of the bus.

“You Ok?” Val asked sitting down right next to me.

“I’m fine I just…” I looked down at my feet closing my eyes. “…I don’t feel good that’s all.” I whispered “I’m going to lay down.” I crawled away from her and then got into my bunk tears finding their way to my face again as I cried my self to sleep.