Sequel: Follow Me Home

Lead the Way


“That doesn’t go there.” I herd a smooth voice call out. I wasn’t sure who the voice belonged too. I can’t say I’d ever herd it before on the bus so I knew it wasn’t one of them. I stood up and turned around to see who was talking to me when I came face to face with some one I’d never seen before.

“What do you know” I snapped it was my first instinct. He could be here to kill me because the others hadn’t followed through with their job and now he was here to do it. I looked at him for a moment before noticing something about him. I knew him from some where.

“Well I do help set up the stage and have every night.” He teased. His medium length hair was pushed to the side so I could see his gorgeous bright blue eyes. They were almost a teal color. He wasn’t too tan but he wasn’t see through either. He was well built and had a few tattoo’s here and there and I had to admit his voice was enough to make me swoon.

“Oh I never noticed before.” I blushed and ran my hands through my Red hair. I hadn’t gotten a chance to take a real shower yet so I probably looked like shit and He probably thought I was the ugliest thing he’d ever laid eyes on.

“It’s ok I haven’t seen you around much either. I know you are on the bus but you don’t really like to watch the shows do you?” His smooth voice flowed to my ears and I noticed him bending down to help me move the cords to where they needed to be.

“Well being stuck on a full bus I don’t really enjoy it. I just like to get away from the chaos sometimes.” I said softly looking up and our eyes meeting. Maybe this was god’s way of telling me to just get over Jimmy. Maybe this new guy was going to be my knight and shinning armor. Or maybe I was just looking for a quick fix to my extremely shattered heart.

“I’m Aiden By the way.” He said softly as we held eye contact which only proceeded in making me blush even harder.

“I’m Riley. It’s really nice to meet you Aiden. Do you ride in a separate bus that follows ours or…what?”

“Yeah we follow in a bus, the rest of the techs and I, I mean” He laughed gently and it was music to my ears.

“That’s really cool.” I moved so I was sitting on the floor and let out a soft gasp when I sat. It hurt so bad I felt like some one had jammed a hot poker into my insides. I could feel tears bite at my eyes.

“Are you ok?” He asked reaching out to touch my arm which caused me to back up a little.

“No…I…” I drew in a deep breath trying to come up with something to tell him but I couldn’t. “I had an accident the other day…I’m still…Really sore.”’ Was the only thing I could even think to tell him.

“What kind of an accident…Did you go to the hospital?” He rushed looking at me with true concern in his eyes. I found my self struggling to lie to him which was completely abnormal for me. I was a fantastic liar why couldn’t I be now.

“I was raped.” I mumbled under my breath and I saw his eyes go wide and then he disappeared. I was mentally smacking my self as I made my self more comfortable by laying on the floor placing my hands over my eyes. That’s great tell the cute guy you just met that you were raped! Fantastic job Riley!
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