Sequel: Follow Me Home

Lead the Way

No Longer Hidden

“Riley?!” I herd Brian’s frantic voice. I sat up cringing as I did so and looked at him a bit confused.


“Who…who was that you were just talking to?” Brian’s voice was frantic and I didn’t understand the scared look on his face.

“He said he was a stage hand.” The anxious feeling started to creep into my stomach.

“What was his name” Brian urged.

“I …it was Aiden why what the hell is going on?”

“Fuck. No he’s not any stage hand for us or any kind of tech or anything, He’s a journalist that’s been following us around.”

“WHAT!” I screamed “Where’d he go!?” I screeched standing up and stumbling before catching my balance.

“He’s headed toward the bus…Why? You didn’t tell him anything he couldn’t write down did you?” He asked

“Did you really just ask me that Brian?” I hissed. He bit his lip and I was curious as to what he meant by that. “What did you hear Brian?” My voice softened as I noticed the pained look on the man's face before me.

“I just…” he swallowed hard and ran his fingers through his hair as if he was struggling to find the words, “… I herd you tell him you were raped” I let out a heavy sigh.

“Please just help me shut him up and I’ll tell you whatever you want to know about it ok?” I bargained with him hoping that he would help me get this Aiden kid shut up before he told any one else what happened.
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I Love the feed back I'm getting here guys!