Sequel: Follow Me Home

Lead the Way


“Damn Jim where’d you get her from!” I herd (Mister Aviators) Matt laugh. I rolled my eyes and pulled up a chair next to my best friend pulling his fingers away from his forehead where he’d been rubbing. I slid my index finger and thumb under his chin and made him look at me so I could asses the damage he looked rather sad.

“She broke mister Sticky!” I looked at him for a moment before laughing gently only to get a glare from him.

“Don’t worry about mister sticky right now Jimmy. I can buy you another one. Right now I’m worried about your head.”

“Is there ever a time you aren’t worried about my head?” He retorted causing all of us in the room to let out a short laugh.

“That’s a good point.” I stuck my tongue out at him before looking over the small scrape the stick had caused when it broke against his forehead. “You’ll be fine just a little scrape”

“Kiss it and make it better” he pouted like a child and I rolled my eyes again. This was a routine for us. He would get hurt and I would kiss it and make it better or the other way around…Maybe I could see why my sister hated our relationship so much, oh well not my problem.

“Ok you big baby.” I teased pressing my lips gently to the scrape on his forehead before brushing some of his hair out of his face.

“All better!” He shouted jumping off the chair. Now that everyone had settled back down and Leana was out of the house I was reminded of the burning sensation in my fingers.

“I need ice” I whined as I stuck my fingers back in my mouth causing all three boys to look at me like I’d lost my mind before Zacky realized why I needed ice. He looked at Jimmy like parents would look at each other when their kid did something stupid.

“She stuck her fingers in the Bacon pan to get some and she burned her self.” He said simply sounding rather amused by it. What he didn’t realize is Jimmy is the one who got me into bacon and picking things out of pans when I wasn’t supposed to.

“Don’t do it Jimmy!” I shouted dramatically waiving my two slightly burned fingers “the bacons not worth it!” I shouted again falling out of my chair and flailing around.

“Oh no! The bacon! Not worth it!” He gasped holding his hand over his heart and dramatically looking around. “It burned my princess!” he shouted again jumping onto the floor next to me. “I MUST MAKE IT BETTER!” he declared throwing his arms up. His friends were looking around like we’d totally gone over the deep end, which was common because a lot of the time we lived off the deep end.

“The bacon! It burns!” I shouted wiggling about the floor before he grasped my two burnt fingers before kissing them both and looking at me. I jumped off the floor and pulled him to his feet.

“She lives!” He shouted wrapping his thin arms around my and I wrapped mine around his waist and we stayed like that for a few moments before releasing each other and looking at the other men in the room.

“Wow…When Val said out of his mind…she meant it” Matt spoke up scratching the top of his head and folding his aviators into his shirt.