Sequel: Follow Me Home

Lead the Way

Shutting Him Up

“Yes ma’am” He said softly as He shot off towards the bus me running right after him. We got to the bus and we could hear Aiden telling them something in an excited voice and Brian and I rushed onto the bus tackled Aiden and covered his mouth.

“What the hell guys he said he had news for us.” Jimmy’s voice was hard as he spoke to me and I felt much like a child as he did talk to me and I could feel my heart breaking into pieces almost all over again as he spoke.

“No way! He has no news for you none at all!” Brian threw his arms up a cheesy grin on his face. Michelle looked at him oddly he wasn’t very good at lying.

“No Really guys he told me the news and Its not news. He was just going to ask if it was ok if he wrote in the magazine he writes for that Jimmy and Leana are dating again Right Aiden” hands tightened around Aiden's mouth so he knew I was seriously. He nodded his head to the best of his abilities and mumbled behind my hand.

“See nothing big” Brian stated a bit more calmly now as we helped Aiden to his feet Brian took my hands off Aiden’s mouth and moved his own hands over the kid’s mouth.

“Yeah that’s fine.” Leana chirped from where she was sitting. Jimmy just shrugged still trying to figure out what in the hell was going on.

“Great lets go Aiden!” I smiled pushing him out of the bus with the help of Brian. When we got outside we slammed the door and dragged Aiden to the backstage area we’d been before.

“Ok I’m going to let go of your mouth and your going to tell me what you were really going to do when you were at the bus” Brian demanded. Slowly he pulled his hand off the man's mouth and placed his hands on the smaller mans arms to keep him from running back.

“I was going to tell them about you…getting… Raped because I figured they needed to know before Leana posted any more information on her face book about your where abouts. She’s telling people that you’re a slut and that you stole her boyfriend. I figured maybe she’d back off if she knew you were Raped.” He rushed looking panicked. So he really had been only trying to help but he had no idea just how much damage he almost did.

“Leana’s doing what?! I’m-” Brian’s voice cut through obviously shocked by this information

“I know what she’s doing Aiden. I know what her face book says about me. I know that you think you’d be helping it you went and told everyone on that bus that I was raped but really you’d be doing a lot more damage then you know.” I spoke softly sighing as I looked at Brian.

“How would that do more damage I know the people care about you a lot. I mean I hear the drummer talking about you all the time.” Aiden seemed ten times more confused.

“Look, you don’t need to know what kind of damage it would do or why it would do damage all you need to know is that you really need to keep your mouth shut understood?” Brian’s voice held a heavy accent of authority. Aiden nodded his head frantically and Brian let go of the frightened young man’s arms and he took off running the opposite direction from the busses.
♠ ♠ ♠
Getting close to the end guys!