Sequel: Follow Me Home

Lead the Way


“How? What is there to understand Jimmy” I turned finally looking at him hoping he didn’t pick up on just how broken I really was.

“I’m with her to keep you safe” He made sure Leana wasn’t looking and set his hand on my cheek next to the bruise on my eye and sighed gently. “I can’t explain now but I will…soon ok? I promise” He said softly

“Yeah you better.” I stood up and went to get my self a water bottle only to get stopped by Zacky this time that gave me a hug and kissed my forehead.

“You’ll be ok I promise” He said gently. He smiled at me before hugging me again softly and leaving to go find Gena. This was going to be a bit more complicated to work around now that two of them knew that something had happened. I was pretty sure Jimmy knew something happened to but he didn’t know how bad it was. I was so confused I had no idea where to run or who to even go to any more. I was scared but I knew I just had to trust in these guys.

I sat outside on the side of the stage as the guys got ready to Play. They were just talking and bouncing around getting ready for the show. I couldn’t really focus on any of the conversations going on around me. I just wanted to crawl into a hole as I looked over and noticed Jimmy and Leana seemed to be fighting about something.

“You ok?” Aiden had decided to stick around any way I think that maybe he thought his ass would be saved if he at least tried to be my friend now.

“What’s it matter.” I snapped at him running my fingers through my hair as I closed my eyes brushing away my feelings of anger towards Jimmy. Maybe he knew something I didn’t. Maybe he had a good reason for being with her…

“You know you don’t have to be a bitch.” Aiden grumbled by my side looking agitated and unsure of himself

“If you had any idea the hell I’ve been through lately you’d know why I was such a bitch.” I rolled my eyes and pushed past him going over to the little table back stage that had water bottles and such. I picked one up and fought with the cap.

“Need help?” I looked at Jimmy glaring as I reluctantly handed him my water bottle. I hated that I needed help because I was in so much pain lately I hated that it was always Jimmy that came to my aid. I hated that he wasn’t mine.

“Thanks.” I mumbled taking my water back after he’d uncapped it. I looked around for Leana seeing her talking to Aiden. Well she was more like flirting hardcore with Aiden.

“Do me a favor please?” His ice blue eyes found mine before he continued “stick by Val or Michelle the whole show and then at the end of the show I want you to meet me behind the arena ok?” His eyes seemed to be pleading with me. I wanted to slap him and walk away but I couldn’t.
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:O This will be over in like 4 or 5 chapters