Sequel: Follow Me Home

Lead the Way

The End

“Leana told me that if…” he struggled I could see the visible pain on his face. “She told me that if I didn’t get back with her she’d kill you.” He was now facing the ground and had released me from his arms and stuffed his hands in his pockets.

“Jimmy…” I spoke so quietly I was surprised when he looked up his eyes urging me to keep talking. “I know…your trying to help by staying with her but if she wants me out of the way and dead she’s going to do it whether or not you’re with her.” Now it was my turn to let out a soft sigh and shake my head. This was a complete mess all because of Leana.

“I know. I know that she’s already gone against her promise to not hurt you. I knew that the day you came back all dirty and panicking any time some one got close.” He bit down on his lip

“Yeah well…” I shook my head not really wanting to talk about what had happened that night and hoping Jimmy wouldn’t press it.

“I know that whatever happened was horrible and that it was Leana’s fault and I am not going to stand by while she hurts you not any more. I don’t care if it means I’m putting us in a danger I couldn’t possibly understand. I will not be with her any more” he said softly

“What are your trying to say Jimmy?” Jimmy looked at me a confused but confident look on his face as he reached over and set his hand on my cheek. He leaned in closer to my face and I was beginning to feel light headed just from how close he was to me.

“I’m saying. I’m done with her. I want to be with you.” Before I even had a chance to respond to what he’d just told me, I felt his face getting even closer to mine. Soon his nose was pressed to mine as were his lips. It was the best feeling I’d ever experienced. His soft lips on mine his gentle hand pressed to my cheek holding me there, I never wanted this moment to end.

I was shocked at first but slowly I moved so I was standing closer to him and set one hand on his neck as if to desperately hold him in the kiss we were sharing. I returned the kiss my eyes falling shut and my head emptying of everything but him and I and this kiss we were sharing.

“Jim…Oh my god.” A soft male voice interrupted but we didn’t stop kissing neither of us cared any more. I was his and he was mine and this kiss was the sealing factor. “I’m SO going to get Val” and then there was a slam meaning Matt had run off to go find Val and tell her that he’d caught me and Jimmy kissing. After the door shut I slowly pulled away from Jimmy but he kept his hand on my cheek.

“You do Know Matt’s just the beginning of all the shit we are about to go through right?” Jimmy let out a chuckle and pressed another quick kiss to my lips before smiling at me.

“Riley I would rather go through hell with you then living the easy life with Leana.” He spoke softly. He moved his hand off my cheek and wrapped his arms around me picking me up into his arms.

“Good because I can’t go through the hell she puts me through alone.” I wrapped my arms around his neck.

“I promise I’ll never leave your side.”

“Good because I’m going to be stuck to yours forever.” We’d been so caught up in each other we hadn’t herd t he door fly open and didn’t notice Leana standing there a furious look on her face.

“You both have no idea what you just started.” She hissed
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The sequel!