Sequel: Follow Me Home

Lead the Way

Not the Same

“Val…” I thought for a moment before throwing my arms up remembering where I’d herd of her before. “She was the one here the other day! She was trying to get you to come drum for a band…What was the name…Avenged…Avenged something. She said they were a garage band that had the worst drummer ever.” I smiled remembering the thin blond girl I’d talked to the other day when she was here.

“Yeah! Her! She was pretty fucking cool her self.” Jimmy nodded as he grabbed two plates from the cupboard. “Leana didn’t like her around to much but then again Val didn’t seem to like Leana very much either.” He mentioned as he put the food that Zacky had been cooking on two plates one for me and one for him. I was completely shocked that he didn’t call her one of her nicknames like Lee bee or something. Something was really wrong with them and I wasn’t sure what to do about it.

“Yeah I remember her telling me that she seemed a little…off balance.” Zacky spoke up using his words cautiously as he looked to jimmy to measure a reaction. Jimmy just shrugged nodding his head in agreement. There was a knock on the door causing me to jump up but Matt shook his head laughing at me.

“That’s probably Johnny and Brian I’ll go let them in.” He said smoothly. “Zacky why don’t you bring some food out there for them.” He added looking from me to the back of jimmy’s head then to Zacky giving him a knowing look. Zacky gathered some plates of food before scurrying out of the kitchen with the plates. I smiled and Jimmy brought our food to the table.

“Jimmy what's wrong?” I asked him softly as he played with his food I picked up a piece of my warm bacon and stuck it in my mouth as I waited for his answer.

“It’s not the same any more Riles” He said softly using the nick name I only let him use, only because he’d been calling me that since I was a little kid.

“What’s not the same” I asked him with a mouth full of bacon causing some of the grease to get on my face. He let out a soft chuckle and reached over with a napkin and wiped it off my face causing me to blush.

“Your sister and I…it’s not the same any more. All she does is scream at me whenever your around she wants you gone I don’t get it.” He sounded so defeated and sad.

“Leana’s always been a bit of a control freak though Jimbo” I added quietly not sure why I was even defending my sister.

“Well its different when she screams at me But she’s taken to throwing things she’s the one that busted my old drum set and that was after that Val chick left the other day. I’m sick of having things that are important to me shattered to pieces because of her!” He groaned going to slam his head down on the table in frustration. I quickly moved his plate of food out of the way and set my hands on the table to catch his head so he couldn’t slam it down.

“Well I don’t know what’s crawled up her ass but beating your fragile brain is not going to help the situation any.” I teased noticing a tiny smile tug on his lips. “See” I added softly

“I know you’re her sister so you’d be pissed if I broke up with her right?” He asked looking at me his eyes held a seriousness that I just couldn’t avoid. I shook my head and he looked surprised.

“No I’d never be pissed at you. Everyone says Blood bonds are supposed to be the strongest that there are. Its not true, I hate my sister all she does is scream and ruin things and you’re my best friend Jimmy…you’ve been my best friend since first grade and now we are two years out of high school and your getting a band together and your still my best friend. I wouldn’t pass that over for my stupid sister.” I said softly reaching out and touching his hand gently.

“Good because I don’t want her near anything else that’s important to me. I don’t want it broken any more. I am going to break up with her.” He said nodding his head as if to agree with himself. I laughed and nodded letting him know I thought he was doing the right thing.

“Good. Just don’t do it where she can break anything.” I added letting out a tiny laugh before stuffing another piece of bacon in my mouth.

“I just wish I could keep her away from the one thing that was most important to me.” He added softly I looked up from my plate confused. He was staring down at his white plate avoiding so much as looking at me.

“What’s that?” I asked with a mouthful.

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