Sequel: Follow Me Home

Lead the Way

Water war!

“Oh it’s on now! Evilly cleaning witch!” he shouted as he jumped off the table and grabbed a cup filling it with water and bubbles I ran over hiding behind the spiky haired one as Jimmy flung the water at me. It of course missed me and soaked the man I was hiding behind.

“Oh shit Brian you’re fucking soaked!” The short one laughed. Well now I know all of their names but one of them. The challenge now was to remember them but the new challenge was to get these men outside in the yard where I wouldn’t have to mop up the water that was thrown around.

“War OUTSIDE!” I shouted and they all raced to the backyard and I followed behind happily as I watched the boys all throw water at each other and Jimmy grabbing a hold of the hose. Filling cups of water up for each of the boys. I looked at them oddly.

“GET HER!” the short one screamed and they all ran at me. I shrieked and covered my face as I felt the water soak me all the way through. When they were finished with their attack on me they continued to attack each other for a little while. While they continued to fight with the water I went and got a towel for each of them

While I was upstairs getting towels I dug through Jimmy’s clothes getting out a pair of pj pants and a t-shirt of his and slid them on taking off my bra and wet panties not caring and knowing jimmy wouldn’t. I grabbed a pair of clothes for jimmy including new boxers because he’d need them. Then I went through his old warn out clothes or clothes that were much too big for him. I gathered an out fit for each of the boys out of jimmy’s clothes and smiled at my self I was rather impressed. I tied my wet red hair back into a pony tail before carrying down the warm dry towels and clothes.

I stood in the kitchen watching the boys for awhile It was nice to see Jimmy out and around with friends that were. Well his gender. He didn’t make a whole lot of a friend he was always an odd ball but that’s why I loved him so much. Finally I walked to the door and opened it giving them a warning look when they all looked as if they were going to attack.

“Don’t spray! She’s dry!” Jimmy shouted as he dropped the hose. His lips were turning purple and so were the other boys. I laughed and shook my head.

“Ok I found an outfit for all of you, and a towel. Some of the shirts have rips in them and stuff because they are either too big for jimmy or to small and he tried to wear them any way.” I teased looking over at him as he pouted his lip out. “ONE at a time can go get changed I don’t want you all dripping went through the house!”

“My house I change first!”

“I’m oldest though! I should get first”

“Well I’m shortest I should get first!”

“Hey! I’m soakedest I should get first!” they all shouted at once. I rolled my eyes but I could really see my self becoming good friends with these idiots.
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:D what do you think?