Sequel: Follow Me Home

Lead the Way


“Jimbo I am going to puke if you don’t put me down.” I groaned letting my head fall against his shoulder.

“Oopsy!” He giggled like a child before setting me down and running out to his friends dragging me behind him. I groaned and set my hand on my stomach shaking my head this kid was enough to make any one puke with the way he ran around.

“Ok so Jimmy this is the music you gotta learn!” Johnny handed a pile of sheets to the still bouncing Jimmy.

“Great why did you give him those now! I’m never going to get any sleep tonight! He’s going to be practicing all night long.” I pouted.

“Well we recorded some of the stuff that we have and he can just put drums to it for us and maybe record some of that stuff?” Matt suggested that still didn’t solve the sleeping problem I would have. But the grin on my best friends face was enough to make me not care about my sleep any more.

“Awesome guys! Thanks! I’ll do that!” He took the cd from matt’s hands and went and put it in a safe place (god only knows where he considers safe).

“He’ll be a good drummer for you guys. So do you guys have a label already or no?” I asked as I found a spot on the floor leaning against the coffee table that often was the cause of many of injuries when Jimmy or I got too excited.

“Well we sort of have a label and we had a drummer but he kind of went crazy and checked himself into a mental home so now we need one to tour with.” Brian spoke as if it was the most normal thing. I bit down on my lip touring so soon?

“When would you guys leave for tour?”

“Well if Jimmy fits the role of the drummer we need then we’ll leave in about 3 weeks.” Matt spoke and I nodded rubbing my fingers through my hair.

“awesome” I laughed shaking my head I didn’t want Jimmy to leave me to go on tour even though he wanted me to come with him I’m not sure I’d be able to do that I doubt they had the money to get a good sized Bus. Though I could always drive another van or something around for them.

“What was that I hear about touring?” Jimmy asked as he sat himself down right next to me playing with the threads in the carpet. I raised my eyebrow and looked at him funny.

“oh well we think you’ll fit the part and we tour in three weeks...only problem is we only have a rather small van to tour in. and we need another car. Val’s going to drive the van I have and then I figured we could stick the two guitar divas in another car with you if you wanted jimmy. Or we could stick short shit in the trunk” He smirked and Johnny grunted in disapproval.
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