Status: New

A Loaded God Complex

Cock it and Pull it

"Nice… hunting vest?" Pete noticed my blaze orange gear as soon as I walked up. I simply shrugged and then handed him a badminton racquet. I finally believed we were on good terms again.

"I thought you had church today?" Nicole brushed some hair back to the top of her head. The mass of red quickly fell back and this time she ignored it.

Taking a spot in front of the mausoleum the game of volleying the birdie back and fourth commenced, "No, I didn't have to go. My mom said she didn't care… so I didn't."

"I guess she's still ticked about the whole horn thing?" Nicole stated like it was any other conversation.

"I don't know. Probably. She's been acting different."

"You know, I always knew you had it in you." Pete stared forward and kept an even tone as he hit his yellow plastic target.


"Being a bad-ass." He gave his weird sense of approval to me. I shook my head and laughed heartily.

"Is she going to ground you?" The birdie landed at Nicole's feet and she threw it back into the air.

"No, I don't think she's that mad…My dad wouldn't let her do that anyways." Again the volley stopped. I walked to the middle of the triangle our group had formed and put my weight on one foot.

"If you need a place to crash, my house is open." Pete snickered, "It isn't like you can piss her off anymore than she already is." Pete came closer and held up his hand. Rolling my eyes I returned the hand he was holding out for a high five.

"I don't want to talk about it anymore," I began lightly, for all I knew my parents were getting a divorce, and then grumbled, "I have to go hunt with Raya's dad in half an hour."

"I see." Nicole retorted. While Pete's reaction was much more impolite as he let out an 'ou' and covered his mouth.

"Is that even safe? I mean, he's.. never mind"


"Yeah, come one Pete you have to tell us now…" Nicole urged. Nicole and I squirmed.

"Nothing…" We both grumbled and Pete motioned us closer even if no one was listening, "He's a fucking alcoholic." There was a gasp, but that was about it. "What? Raya told you that. Didn't she?" A smugness was coming out in his body language. It grew when our reactions became more shocked.

Why hadn't she ever told me? Why the heck would he tell Pete? Stunned, I knew I had to talk to Raya about this, yet today didn't seem the day. I mean I couldn't, seeing as how she was at her mom's house today. The news only made me more uncomfortable to be with Mr. Renaud, it was going to be the only thing on my mind when I saw him. I just couldn't handle keeping giant elephants in the room anymore. More nerves sent waves in my stomach. Nicole took the racquet out of my limp hand. Moving out of the way I sat down in the grass. I pulled my sandwich out of my pocket and picked it apart into bit sized peices. Although only a few bites made it into my stomach, the rest went in the river.

As quickly as my stress level decreased it went back up. Mr. Ross kept a few feet ahead of me the whole time and continuously checked over his shoulder at me.

"I'm sorry about that one day."

"What day?" He grunted out.

"Wh-When I trespassed." I felt awkward and felt phlegm slide down my throat.

"Oh yeah…" Mr. Renaud garbled. "You're lucky I didn't shoot you, boy."

"So, what do we d-do now?" I kept my voice low as we squatted in the grass.

"We wait." He was displeased and then his lips sealed for the next hour.

Not a sound was emitted from him the whole time, not a single leaf crumpled and not a single joint cracked. When I made a noise all I received was a dirty look. It only made me squirm more. It also made me realize that Raya was a brave soul for living with such an intimidating man… that or I was a lamb.

"Come on, we're done," Mr. Renaud commanded, I resisted giving a thumbs up and stood unsteadily.

For once I was walking in front. I tried not to look back when I heard him open his canteen and listened to him gulping from it. Again, no words were exchanged. I kept my eyes on the black top in front of me, my head filled with a happy tune, and my hands fidgeting in my pockets. The footstep behind me had ceased and I ignored it since I figured he was taking another drink. I turned to when I heard a car coming.

"Look ou--" I threw a hand in the air and was stunned like a deer in the headlights.

He stood in perfect posture with his bow drawn. In the milliseconds it took me to process it. Should I have be shouting at him not to shoot or to move? With no answer Mr. Renaud was hit from behind by a screeching green truck. It pulled a U-ie and was gone. My body was tense and my shoulders dropped as I held back the vomit in my throat. My mind was working again and I ran over to Mr. Renaud.

Mr. Renaud's bow was on the ground, arrows, some broken, littered the pavement around it. A boot was near the edge of the road and the other was inches in front of what should have been a foot. Shakily I approached the hit man and my eyes weren't lying. I tilted my head in amazement. Two cloven hooves laid limply on the ground, not being able to bare the sight I crouched down near his shoulders. Mr. Renaud lifted his head and moaned in pain.

"I-- guh…" He held up a shaky hand as if reaching for mine, which was just as unsteady. Softly, he planted his head back down on the cement. A few crows fussed in the background. A moment of horror and aw passed and he managed to sit up with aide from me.

"Don't tell Raya-" He coughed and cringed as pain must have shot through him.

"But, I think you should tell her about your… your um hooves." I suggested gently.

"No, no." His throat cracked and he coughed again, "That I tried to shoot you."

Mr. Renaud's voice was plagued with regret and I couldn't help but forgive him right there. It wasn't a clear apology but, whatever it was, was genuine. This was the man I would have been if Raya hadn't of come along. I would have started believing the people around possible causing me to become bitter, hating, and hunting myself.

No one told Raya that her dad was in the hospital until she came home from his mom's house later that weekend on Sunday night. Of course, everybody in the hospital found out about his feet and it got around town… but it wasn't that big of a deal. Now days Mr. Renaud and I fairly close.

As for Raya and I, you can find us around town whether it be helping at the nursing home or playing badminton the cemetery.
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