Kiss and Tell

We're moving!?
This is not fair! My whole family is here! My friends and even my boyfriend!
Why? Why? Why?
This is crazy.... my mom finds a new "man" she up and moves with him?
All the way to L.A!
I'm not happy...
I hate her! She's a b.... okay I'll stop but come on now,
Who remarries after just 3 months?
My daddy was perfect for her!
And this new man she married is a total diva... He always has to have things his way...
Or she... oops I mean he has to be perfect ... ALL THE TIME!
If one hair is out of place he freakin' flips out and makes an appointment for a hairstylist.

IDK if I can do this... and he has to watch over this kid...
So that means it's going to be a stuck up boy there?
HECK NO! I'm not going for that...
I heard he's like famous or something....
Goes by the name of Justin... Byber...
UGH what kind of name is that?
Aaron Fisher is a failure for marrying my mom... She'll just divorce him like she did daddy.
I'm going to make his life a living hell... Just wait and see....