Status: Completed

Stay With Me

And we'll be alright as long as you stay with me

"Jared Why do we have to fight like this at midnight?" Aimee said as a tear escaped her bright blue eyes slowly sliding down her rosy red cheeks.

"I wish I hadn't moved down here for you, or even met you in the first place, this is ridiculous." Jared screamed throughout their one bedroom apartment in Raleigh North Carolina. The words echoed off the bare walls, and really stung her, causing her mind to race a million miles an hour. Here was the man she loved, telling her he had wished he never met her, she was devastated. She quickly through some clothes and a toothbrush in a bag, she had to get out of that house and away from Jared. The tears never stopped, her mascara causing her eyes to become a big black blur. She didn't know where to go, her parents were out of town for the next week visiting family in thunder bay, not that she really wanted to go to their house anyway. They would ask her way to many questions she didn't want to answer. Not knowing where to go she decided to go to her best friend Lyla's house, but she wasn't home. Sitting in her car she was trying to think of what to do and finally stumbled upon the idea of visiting a friend that knew Jared very well until Lyla was home. Knocking on the door at the apartment door that read 1211 she waited a while until she saw him look through the peep whole.

"Aimee, are you okay?" Eric mumbled through the door, unclasping the chain and opening the door, in nothing but boxers.

"Jared and I got in a fight, it's bad" Aimee said walking in the apartment closing the door behind herself.

"Sorry for my lack of clothes, I wasn't expecting company." Eric walked into his bedroom throwing on a pair of basketball shorts with the Carolina hurricanes logo on the right leg. She followed him into his room setting down her bag and sitting on the bed.

"He told me that he wished he hadn't moved here, and never met me in the first place." She was starting to get a bit angry, why was he blaming everything on her, she couldn't handle it. She was fragile.

"You know that when he gets angry he says things he doesn't mean." Eric said sitting down on the bed next to her moving a piece of hair out of her face and wiping underneath her eyes. Looking into each others eyes for a few minutes, she quickly looked away and rose from the bed.

"I..I'm gonna go now it's getting late, and Lyla should be home." Aimee looked at the clock, grabbing her bag, walking towards the door. She was stopped a few feet before the door by Eric's hand placed on her arm.

"Baby the clock on the wall is lying, it isn't really that late." He said turning her around to face him, pulling her closer to his warm body. She pondered what to say but before she could speak he placed a finger on her lips signaling to stay quiet, because he wasn't finished.

"Why don't you stay with me, and share all your secrets. We can make believe that the morning sun will never rise." He laced their fingers together and pulled her into the bedroom.

"What does all of this mean?" Finally escaped from her lips, a smile spreading across her once frowning face, as her cheeks began to become rosy red once again, this time because of a totally different reason.

"There is no use hiding the way I'm feeling right now. With you standing there baby I swear I can't help but stare." He placed a warm kiss on her soft pink lips, pulling away just looking at her, she was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. He had always thought this way, but she was Jared's girl. "Baby don't go it looks like it's starting to rain, and it's so warm here in this apartment wrapped up in this blanket." He started playing with her cami, she lifted her arms giving him permission to undress her. Pulling it up over her head he threw it across the room, kissing her neck as he continued to place kisses down her body. Eric lifted Aimee off the floor placing her on her back on the bed. Desire flooded over her like never before as his his hand pulled of her bottoms and he began to stroke her. His fingers teased her, she couldn't take it anymore. He began kissing her deeply running his hand through her hair.

"I've always loved you Aimee." Eric said kissing her forehead gently, as she began to sweat profusely.

"I've always loved you." She had thought that Jared was the one she was in love with and was supposed to be with but she was having a change in thought. Everything seemed right with Eric. "I'm ready for this...with you." She whispered in his ear, breathing her hot breath on his neck. He smelt so good, like Abercrombie and Fitch cologne.

"Are you sure, I don't want to make you do something you don't want to or aren't ready for." He said pushing hair behind her ear so he could see her beautiful face.

"I'm Positive." She said kissing him intently as he entered her with a smooth stroke. He began to thrust slowly, making sure not to hurt her. She was right where she wanted to be in Eric's arms cuddled underneath the warm sheets. "You have no idea what you do to me. You can make me feel more emotions in one second than i would normally feel in a year." Aimee confessed as she traced a heart on his rock hard abs.

"And there's just something about you, that makes me completely lose my breath." Escaped from Eric's mouth as they both drifted to sleep on that cold rainy night that changed everything.
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Uhh not my best work but i hope you enjoy it (: