
1: Two Hours Orphan

Rescued Girl ( played by Mika Nakashima)

Jasper Hale (played by Jackson Rathbone)

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And The Cullens

Chapter 1: Two Hours Orphan

I wake up with huge pain in my head and back. I am lying in the grass; my parent’s tent is destroyed. I see few people coming towards me.

“Don’t you dare to touch me” I murmur, my voice lower than I expected. I faint.

I wake up at a strange place. Somebody is with me.

“Where I…” I try to say, but my voice is too weak.

“Don’t talk, I had to put you some anesthesia to stitch your back and your left arm” A blonde man says professionally to me.

“What hap…”I try to ask, again I fail

The blonde man cleans his hands and turns over to talk to me.

“Calm down, in about ten minutes you will stop feeling light-headed and you would be capable of speaking. I have to go, but my wife is going to watch you” The strange man says going away. About six minutes later a woman came into the room, I have my eyes close but I can hear a pair of heels getting on my way.

“Hi, my name is Esme; I am Carlisle wife, the doctor who just attended you. Let me know if you need something” the woman says in a lovely voice, pulls a chair and sits to read, I assume for the noises. Minutes later I open my eyes. She stands up and puts the book in a table.

“Are you ok, do you need something?” she asks me

“No” I say standing up. She helps me and takes me to the living room.

Sitting in the sofa, a white, tall, muscular man is waiting for me, as if he needs to tell me something. Esme looks at him like she knows the news already. In the instant I sit, he stands up in front of me.

"I am going to tell you something important” He says in a tragic tone

“Emmett, think how you are going to say it” Esme warns him going away.

Emmett walks around the sofa a few times.

“You’re parents, they… are not alive” He says softly. It takes me a minute to process the information in my head.

“I am very sorry, we tried to save them, but we could only rescue you” He continues

I try to remember my parents. I try to remember my face. I don’t even know my name.

“Where Am I?” I ask very confused

“Cullen’s House, Forks Washington, United States” He says fast

“Where do I live?” I say wanting to cry

“You look Asian” he says. I look around. I reach to scratch my neck when I feel stitches all the way up to my head. I start crying in shock. Emmett gets nervous and sits next to me.

“We know about you as much as you know about yourself right now” Emmett adds

“What happened to me” I say feeling the stitches with my fingertips. Emmett takes my hand down, as I am not supposed to touch them.

“Is very dangerous to camp in unknown forest. You and your parents were attacked by some wild animal” Emmett says serious

I am about to speak when Esme enters the room with a silver tray. A glass with grape juice, A plate with scrambled eggs, a croissant, bacon and waffles with syrup. A side small bowl with fresh strawberries.

“I hope you are hungry, Bella and I cooked this for you” Esme says with a big smile.

“I am hungry” I assure amazed. The tray looks like a magazine picture.

“Bon Appetit” She says leaving

“I need a minute alone” I say to Emmett, because I am shy to eat in front of strangers and I need to try to remember my parents. They are dead after all, I am supposed to feel sad. I am almost finishing my breakfast when two strangers enter trough the door. I smile at them and the smile back. They go straight to the kitchen, golden hair man walking faster while the other one looks guardian-like at him, like a police officer and a just caught prisoner.

I stand up, still kind of dizzy. I look trough a huge crystal window the immense forest, wondering.

Esme comes back to me. I smile at her and she smiles back. She puts her hand on my shoulder and says “You can stay with us, if you want”
I look at her in shock. Strangers who somehow managed to rescue me from a forest are offering me to stay.

“Sure, when I remember something again I’ll move on” I say not really understanding the offer.

“We meant, as our adoptive daughter” she says smiling wide.
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Warning: Alice is the best character ever made in Twilight. My favorite, but I love Jasper and I wanted to twist things out. Alice doesn’t exist in this story. COMMENT AND SUBSCRIBE!