
14: Until Kaori Dies

In a pink corset, black fishnet stockings, a black thong and neon green high heels I go around serving tea to the clients. I have been in this hell a full week and I want to return to United States. She sold all my clothing and my laptop too. Now I am forced to serve tea to horny old Asians while they watch girls dance half naked in a greasy pole.

When my shift is over I run over to lock myself in my room. I undress my body from the indecent lingerie and stick my head in an oversized black t-shirt. Also I free my face from all the glittery make up with a wet napkin. For the most part I feel just like when the Cullen’s rescued me, fashionless, dirty and lost. I have managed to hide Jasper’s music player and my phone in a small metal box inside a hole under the wall my bed is placed. I gently crawl until I have the treasure in my hands. So I sit in my bed and turn the phone on to text Jasper, but I find out an e-mail alert. Tears float down my cheeks while I read even if I am not completely sure if they are happiness ones or desperation ones. Somehow I feel hope knowing that they feel the same way I do.

Sitting in my bed thinking what to reply Aya knocks my door. In reaction I type “Google Tanaka Aya” and hide the phone before opening the door. She enters, looks around and finds Jasper’s music player under my pillow.

“Your smarter then me? I will enjoy this” Aya yells slapping me a few times until I fall in my bed crying.

“Please don’t sell it, is something really important for me” I reply between sobs. She looks at me with one raised eyebrow thinking for a moment.

“If you want to listen to your precious music, you will have to work for it” She mocks me evilly handing me his music player.

“The day you don’t dance you will loose it” She patiently announces closing the door while she leaves. I dive my face into my pillow and cry until I fall asleep.

“In my lover’s sake” I hear in my dream over and over again. I see a beautiful garden full of daisies made of red jasper. Two persons are arguing in Japanese, they look exactly alike, they are both me. The only difference is their clothing and how they call themselves. Kaori is wearing red lingerie with black over the knee leather boots. Ruby is wearing a white summer dress, red sandals and Jasper’s gift, the heart glowing red and big. The brighter the glow of the heart the more Kaori’s red lingerie leaks blood. The garden scene changes to a pagoda ceiling at night, where a pale man without a face is running as fast at could be.

“Kaori, wake up” Midori yells at the time she touches my right shoulder. I slowly open my eyes. I stare at her waiting for her answer.

“Aya wants you to practice” She responds. I stand out of my bed and walk with Midori out of the room.

Without breakfast Midori helps me learn today’s routine. Two long hours later Aya permits the meal to the new dancers. While we eat Aya demands us a stage name, Hina decides for Dahlia and Akane follows with Blossom. Two girls remain silent, one of them is me.

“Rina my question is to be answered now” Aya demands her response. Rina blushing shrugs her shoulders. Aya’s fist hits the wooden table with strength as she stands up.

“You will be Chihiro” Aya implies on Rina. They are all looking at me now. I stare at Aya with daring eyes and a smirk.

“What about you Kaori?” Aya asks with arrogance in her voice.

“My name is Ruby, but my stage name is Kaori” I say standing up and leaving to lock myself in my room. I sit in my bed and analyze the object in my hand. Since this moment I am not Ruby anymore, that doesn’t mean she is dead. Carefully, I unlock my necklace out of my chest. I place it in the metal box, Ruby will be hiding under my bed until Kaori dies.
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