Durch Den Monsun

Durch Den MOnsun

Chapter 3: Scream!
Anzie's POV

I loved working at Tokyo Manga!!! My team were really friendly and they had all bought The Umbrella Academy, featuring The Murder Magician that Dave Stewart, Gabriel Ba and Nate Piekos were continuing without my Gerard.

Today was Saturday, my day off. I knew some words in Japanese now, pleasantries and requests. I patted Cajun's head and grabbed my Aerosmith purse, heading to the local Starbucks I've been going to every afternoon for the past month and a half.

Locking the door behind me, I zipped my sweater and punched the floor numbers in the elevator door all at the same time. It was a long way down, 'cus I was on the 47th floor. So far, no one had moved into the apartment next to mine on my floor so all was quiet...

Downstairs in the lobby I waved to Nakamura Son, the hotel manager.
It was cold outside and I ran my long fingers through my (wet) spikey orange hair, willing it to dry beforeI catch cold.

Pulling the green Starbucks door open, I waved to Shuan, the cashier.

"The usual?" He asked, grabbing a large paper cup and already pouring exactly what I wanted.

"Thanks," I laughed handing him some coins. I saw him lose interest and so I looked to what he was looking at out the window.

"Who are they?" I asked. Shuan was acknoledging the 4 guys getting out of a huge black limo. They looked my age...I dunno 25, 26 or something? They looked snootey, but what did I know, I thought, dismissing them as well.

"Oh, those guys are Tokio Hotel, that German boy band." He said dismissing them. "They're kinda new, I heard they're staying at your hotel." He said, winking.

I rolled my eyes, walking outside. "See you tomorow same time Shuan!"
I called over my shoulder as he waved.

I thought I might as well go food shopping while I was out...There was a grocery around the corner and my favorite art supply store was close by too. I could go to both. Sighing, I decided I might as well, so I walked over to the Marketplace and bought a bunch of grapes and peaches. Lunch.

Outside was windy, but I drank all my coffee and was warm inside. I stopped at the art supply store and picked up a chisel, an expensive bottle of Flesh Oil Paint and a pack of pastels. So with my huge shopping bag I trudged back to my hotel, relishing the cold weather that I loved so much.

I pushed through the revolving door and trotted over to an elevator that read "47", my floor, was about to close, and squeezed in with the other 4 guys in the elevator.
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