Sharlot and the Bound

The Bound

The bound, it can never be broken, only under the pain of death. The people who are bounded will now face its first, and what may seem to be its simplest, test. Sometimes the simplest things truly prove to be the hardest. Test one: Letting go of the past. Can the past hold together the people it hurts? Or will it simply kill those who are just unable to deal with the ghost of their past?

As the council left we stood staring at the middle chair. The one that seemed to sit empty. It was the biggest chair and in all movies that means the biggest bad-ass sits in it. I tried not to blink afraid I'd miss the big reveal of who may be the cause all this bull crap.

"All those who are bound, know that it comes with a price. Don't they Miss Salvatore?" And out steps my history teacher, Miss Vega.
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