Sharlot and the Bound

Time Passes

As time seemed to fly by I felt unease. It has been six month since we have been bounded and not a peep of any drama. Yet again I feel like we are lured into a false sense of security, everything was normal, well as normal as it could be. To me it felt like I was staring at a bush, that I had saw rustle with movement. Only now, it has stopped and I am waiting for something to jump out and attack me. Like if I imagined the movement in the first place and it all begins to feel very dream like.

The nagging reminder that it wasn't a dream was hearing the people's thoughts. At least the small few who haven't yet learned to close their minds off. I shifted in history as the substitute teacher droned on about hating her job. Our old teacher, miss evil, has been MIA since the bounding. Which, of course can be taken as either a good or a bad thing. Maybe even a little of both.

As for on the friendship front, Matt, Doll and I were pretty much back to normal. It was like Doll and Matt never dated, sort of, if you don't count the moments where you could feel the awkward. The fact is we both loved her more then ever. What she did was more then we could have dreamed of. We hurt her and she decides our friendship is to strong to let to go of. Not only is she is amazing for doing that but she is even more beloved now. We have been treating so good it probably makes her nervous. We spend every day making it up to her, and when she started dating Joel of Lance's wolf pack we knew she would be all right. But a part of me thinks she is hurting more then she lets on, and Joel is just a pretty distraction from her pain.

As for me, well my parents still loved Edmund, and to my surprise all three boys still love me. When it came to my feelings, I wasn't sure anymore. I knew I liked each boy because he was a great guy, which is why they are my link, BUT was that all there was to it? Was my sole purpose of being interested in each guy because they were the ones I happened to link with? I wanted something deeper and I wasn't sure which guy that depth was with. Though the first name that pops into mind is Matt's. But even I know, though Doll and him are over, it would be to soon to search where we could go.

"Sharlot," Edmund stood staring at me," are you alright? You look mad."

Matt looked at me,"Her eyes are brown, she is just lost in thought."

Edmund glared at him then smiled at me. "What's on your mind?"

"A bunch of stuff," I smiled at him knowing I couldn't really tell him, " but it will be all fine." I hope...