Sharlot and the Bound


Andreas sat next to me the afternoon after I had been with Lance. His blonde hair stopping just shy of his shoulders. His sea green eyes peering at me as I resisted touching his light mocha skin. His pink lips curled up into a devilish grin.

"It seems I am your link to the warriors, how will Matt react?" His laugh was light like winds chimes swaying in a gentle breeze.

Warriors were a breed of super humans but a species of their own. So even as my link he wouldn't link me to regular human or any other mutant human for that fact. Just warriors. Well toned, handsome warriors. I shake my head against the thoughts. So far all my link had been within the bound. I, for one did not expect to link with Andreas.


I woke up from Lance's embrace at three am and shooed him home. I didn't need any trouble, plus being inside before my 'rents walked in would be good too. I smiled as I climbed the steps to my room, I felt light and so foolish. I knew I loved Lance more then anyone but this Link thing may weigh more on him then on me. That's when I found Andreas on my bed.

"Enjoyed yourself?" His eyes gleamed in a wicked way. The one thing he seemed to share with his brother.

"What are you doing here?" I kept myself from adding the word pervert.

"I was curious to see if you have linked with anyone else since Lance. Two years is a while between links."

Then it happened, as if he jinxed it or called it forth. I was being drawn to him. The wicked gleam in his eyes that was gross two seconds ago was now irresistible.

"Oh no. Not you." He understood right way, smiling as he jumped out the window.


"Andreas, shut up , okay? I don't have to obey the links. I don't plan on having a million kids anyway."

"Doesn't matter," he smiled a sly smile, " you are linked to me." He took hold of my hand. "We are practically one."

This was amusing him, I could tell. I sighed and pulled my hand from his, disturbed by the turn of events that had just taken place. Only last night everything was perfect, now this.