Sharlot and the Bound

The one who Understands me

He sat across from me, hands in his lap, staring at the floor. I never expected the other to be a boy. It must be different for him, at least he would have to push out a bunch of kids. Not that it makes falling in love with a bunch of strangers even better. When his green eyes met mine I felt his pain. I knew that he and I were the only ones who would understand this pain. A life of normalcy was not in the stars for us. Our destiny seemed to be one of professional baby markers. I am move to sit next to him.

"This life sucks huh?"

He laughed. "Understatement Sharlot. How did you find me?"

"I am not really sure. I just knew where to come."

"If you are looking for answering to questions I don't really have any. I am just as lost as you."

"That's okay, I am just happy to have someone who gets it. Its so intense when I am in the room with all four of them I feel like I would explode."

"To make it worse there is only one way to make it go away. Then afterwards you feel alone. I did it with two girls I was linked two. They both left afterwards, only send pictures of the babies with no letters. I have lost all my friends. I wish I could pass this on to someone else but at the same time I know how much it would hurt them. No one wins here. Its our 'duty'. What a laugh. You are lucky to be bound to your army, you have permanent friends." A bitter laugh followed his words.

"I'll be your friend." I grab his hand. "We freaks have to stick together."

He wrapped his fingers around mine. We sat in silence, never mentioning our pain. Never really needing too. We knew, without words being said. How could we not. So we sat side by side crying in our own separate world.