Sharlot and the Bound

Doll's New Beau

The army had not left my house while I went to see the other like me. They stayed catching up, making plans, goofing off. I thought that they would have left as soon as I walked out the door, so when I headed home after being gone for two hours with Kyle in tow I was shocked.

"Hey guys."

My living room was just as I left it, with all thirty two members of the bound lounging in all kinds of ways. The men always seem to get along better when I am not around. When they finally took notice of me they looked up at me, stared at Kyle and looked at me again.

"He is just like me. He remembers his past, links with other and enjoys it about as much as I do. His name is Kyle, so be nice to him." My hand never left his.

I wanted him to feel comforted by me, especially since he was in a room full of strangers. Four of which were giving him very hostile glares. I am sure that was not a surprise to him since we had spent every second together filling in each about how the link had affected us. We knew one day he would meet some of the guys and get the angry stares. His linked females may never meet me because he did his duty. He was uniting the world.

I watched him as he looked around the room. He seemed only vaguely intrigued by the group in this room. I am sure he has seen odd mixes before. Being the father of two, with a possible third on the way, he was no stranger to intermingling of the species. Something was different when his eyes met Doll and I felt it. He had linked to her. Or maybe he just thought she was a drop dead gorgeous babe. I suspected it to be both. I squeezed his hand tighter. His eyes stayed glue to her, never wavering. I could feel everyone watching them curiously.

"My name is Dollinda but everyone calls me Doll." It was like she was being pulled toward him.

"Kyle," he kisses her hand and she blushes,” Enchanted to meet you my lady."

His sky blue hair telling her all she needs to knows about his species. He was a fey, her perfect ideal match. I knew that he was an outcast, because he was obeying the link. He made the world's first ever half fey children. They will write songs about him. He will be all over history books, filling up the pages with his rebellion. I knew she would know who he was, that's why she aware of the fact that there was another who was like me. Her face told me what her lips would not; she was enchanted to meet him.

Kyle was fairly handsome. His wavy sky blue hair complemented his pale green eyes. He had soft pink lips that curved into a crooked smile that would make any girl's heart melt. A pair of cute dimples, with a face that resembled that of earth's Brad Pitt. He was 5'11 and clearly chiseled through his muscle tee. He cocked his head to the side and smiled, every girl in the room broke out into a he-is-so-dreamy grin. It was his attitude that made him over the top sexy.

For the next few weeks Doll’s new boyfriend was talk of the town. Women swooned as he walked past, suddenly Matt was old news. Kyle was all that everyone desired. Doll was the envy of many girls, to many to count. What was important though was that she was happy and I was no longer alone in my pain.