Sharlot and the Bound

Headed Home

Sharlot closed the diary she has been keeping for eight months, eyes watery. Her eyes rarely change color anymore, they seemed to be stuck on earth green. Still its a welcome change from the black abyss they used to be when Lance had first passed. The death was hard on all of us for different reason but Sharlot never got passed it.I now understand his pain of loving someone who links with others. Kyle had enter my life hand in hand with Sharlot. My first thought was,

'Great another handsome guy in love with my beautiful best friend. She has all the luck in picking guys. I shouldn't be thinking that I have Joel. He is handsome and nice. He knows though that we are only temporary.Nothing like Sharlot and Matt. . . uhh I mean Lance. Just look at that perfect Fey by her said. WAIT?!? A fey?'

It didn't take long for me to fall in love with him. He was so smart, funny, understanding, compassionate and so much more. Of course he had flaws but his constant links was the one that hurt the most. I know it isn't his fault but still it does suck. If I am completely honest how close his is with Sharlot is alarming to me as well. He is always holding her hand and tell her everything about the link. Things that I will never understand about him. Now another bond is blooming between them, they are both parents. Kyle of three children who come around on the weekends and Sharlot with Lance's child on the way. I know I am not being fair but I don't want a repeat of Matt.

I heard that Matt would be raising the child with Sharlot. That he was the one she trust the most to do it. He was thrilled, as her best friend, as her lover, as the one man she still loves left. He was now the everything her could never be with Lance and I in his way. I am not still bitter about this am I? They are my very best friends but...

"Doll!" Kyle broke my train of thought.

"Uh, yes babe?"

"Sharlot can only have three people in the devilry room next month; so its between you and I. She said we can discuss it between ourselves since Matt and her mom are a given. So how are we going to fight for the last spot?"

He laughed as Sharlot sews up his deep gash. I had no idea they had gotten close enough that she was consider taking him over me. We had been friends since Pre-k and she had only known Kyle for eight months. I was a bit hurt to that he was asked too.

"I am really sorry Doll, I asked Kyle because I know how you hate hospitals." She always seemed to know what I am thinking even with my mind closed off.

"Don't be silly," I swallowed down the hurt, "Kyle and I can rotate so that you don't have to choose."

"Love," Kyle grabbed my hand, "your parents want you home for the next two months remember? Now that the threat has been taken care of they want you to help them take care of the mainland. You won't be here, that's why I told Sharlot I would go."

"Oh crap I forgot! That's two month without you guys plus missing out on the baby." I huffed.

"He'll still be her when you get back." Sharlot's kind earth green eyes met mine. "Besides it not every day a child gets to have a faerie god mother. I am so glad your parents said yes. It seems the Fey have gotten less strict these past eight months. "

"Its probably because I haven't been home since the bound. A year and two months is enough for my parents to do anything just to get me to show up again." I placed my hand on her belly as the baby kicked. "I'll be back for you."

I kissed her belly and smiled up at the mommy to be. Even now with this beautiful boy growing inside of her she was still sad. I wished for the billionth time since Lance's death that I somehow could erase that pain. That I could make her eyes resume their usual rainbow display each day. Those times when I couldn't even keep up because her mood was changing so quickly. I want her to get that back, I hope soon with the birth of her child it will return.

The army decided it was good to take me to the docks. As real grand send off just for me. I wanted to say no but Kyle persuaded me otherwise. I was hugged so much before I climbed up the steps onto the ship. As the boat pulled out to go to the mainland, I look back to see Kyle holding Sharlot 's hand and smiling. I felt a pang of jealous shot up the length of my body. It was the last thing I saw as the boat pulled away from the dock.