Sharlot and the Bound

The Ride Back

I don't remember how we all managed to get in the car drama free. To be honest I don't remember getting in the car at all. I was feeling a bit zombie like but I was to tired to think on it much further then that.

We all sat in silence, no one knowing where to start, or what to say.

Doll looked at me." Please tell me that didn't just happen."

Every part of me wish I could tell Doll it didn't happen. That this was all just a horrid nightmare that I would wake up from. Instead all I could do was pull my knees up to my chest and press my forehead against my knees. Hoping that this action would somehow cocoon me from the events that occurred not long enough ago. So Matt spoke for me, or maybe for us. I am sure he was feeling the very same way as me.

"It happened." He whispered. "I love you Doll, but I didn't think we had a future and I still don't. I mean, you are a fucking princess and not just any Princess, A FEY!! Besides I am a low down demon. But now," his eyes dulled out even more, " now maybe we can have a chance. We made the bound, and now maybe we can marry because of it. But Fey Folk have never honored the bound. So I can hope till I am blue in the face, but it still seems hopeless. "

Her jaw drop, "But you love Sharlot." Her eyes welled over, that was what hurt her the most. My stomach dropped, a lump the size of an apple seemed to be lodge in my throat. I felt so sick.

Edmund spoke up, " And who do you love Sharlot?"

I barley lifted my head, afraid it would making the spinning worse. In a very low voice I answered, " I don't know."

Lance shook his head, "How come you never told us you can remember your past life?"

I stared at him, risking the spinning so he could see my confusion." Because I thought it didn't matter. That everyone could."

"No one can Bean bag, not even the most powerful of us." Matt stared with confusion that matched my face.

I shrugged, "What's the big deal anyway?"

In a surprisingly soft tone Doll spoke to me, "It means you are both, our link to the human world and the one with the most power among us. As well as the link between all races. Of course you now know the side effects of linking all races. You will love a male from each race. Its just how you are wired. The reason you love all three of these guys is because you are supposed to mate with one of each species. That's how you link us by making hybrids. Once you lock on to a man of that species that is it; the one you are linked to forever will be the only one you will desire of the species. That's why sleeping with Matt wasn't a big deal to you. You are linked to him, it now your job to produce with him. As well as with Lance and Edmund and anyone else you may have linked with. Its not a fun destiny and historical speaking there only have been four others. Two in this lifetime which is very very odd. But that is besides the point, that is what the big deal is."

I bite my lip, ignoring the part of me that was just happy that Doll spoke to me. I let her words sink in, "Great." I lowered my head again. "Just great." My voice muffled even to my own ears.

Lance patted my back. "Guess we," he pauses and sighs, " we will all just have to learn to live with it."

I moved away from him feeling a mix of guilt and disgust at his touch. I had to figure out why I am one of the rare beings to be born this way. What is the trigger that made me special?Who is this other person? Would they know? I can't be the fact that I was murdered because that is such a common death especially with the newbies.Ugh, how can my awesome, better life have this twist in it. Why me? Why me? I have to find out and fast.
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