Sharlot and the Bound

A Dish best served Cold

I sat in the car with my arms wrapped at my knees. I felt numb all over. Matt's empty words of marriage echoing in my head. I was plotting, I felt the plan form in my head. Don't get me wrong I love them both. Sharlot will always be my best friend, plus she was a special case, but Matt is going down. I will make him hurt I swear it.

I felt it at that moment, the bound locking me into Matt's desires and emotions. At first I was startled and frightened, I thought that he could hear me too but, then I realized I tapped into his mind because I was so angry with him. Somehow the strong emotion lead me to unlocking one of the many secrets of the bound. This bound thing is going to be tricky, scary and very dangerous to this group. I wiggled in closer to Sharlot and wrapped my arm around her. I could tell she was surprised by the gesture but she can't be blamed for the misfortune of her birth right. Or maybe she is the lucky one? With a freedom my status and species would never allow me. I felt a quick pang of envy for her, I quickly brushed it away remembering the pain of loving Matt alone. I wouldn't want that, only heaven knows how many times worse. How many painful loves she will suffer through? I felt pity for her.

I told her all the things I knew about the bound, those who are bound and the powers it gave us. Or at least what I had learned in that quick rush of hatred towards Matt. Not that it was much, but I think being able to sense each other emotions and read each others minds is a big deal. After I told her what I knew she nodded and told everyone in a small speech. I could tell from her voice that she was on a brink of emotionless. The purple in her eyes also told me she was feeling depressed.

The reaction everyone had was a bit expected. They were all shocked and some appalled but what they felt was a lack of privacy. Many said the first thing that should be done by us is finding away to open and close our minds at will. After awhile I began to tune out all my attentions focused back on Matt. I just smiled thinking on what I am going to do next. How can I hurt him? His thoughts were on Sharlot and the need for revenge grew stronger. I stared out the window and started to plan my next moves.
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I kept it without many details on purpose