Sharlot and the Bound

This can't be Good

Chaos seep through the car. A madness matched only by the racing thoughts that threatened to lead to a massive headache.

"Hear each others thoughts?" Loki had a worried look plastered on his face.

"Feel the same pain?" Lola squeaked out, obviously bothered by this fact the most.

Zillah, who couldn't speak loudly stretched her shadow across the car. "Enough." Everyone grew silent. "There is nothing we can do now but learn to deal with it or face death for breaking the bound."

"I am sure there are ways to close and open ones mind at will. We will just have to learn." Layla said in her soothing voice.

The mummers stopped, everyone nodded in agreement, what Zillah said was true and who could argue with Layla logic. They could not be more right. I glanced over at Doll, was she looking at the window blankly. She twitched every time Matt tried to draw near. She seemed sense me looking, or perhaps the bound allowed her to follow my thoughts; never the less, she gave me a half smile. It was in that moment I knew in that moment that Doll was the greatest friend ever.

Most of the bound left in the three towns before ours, so in the car only myself, Doll, Lance, Matt, Edmund, Stacy and Aislin, who would be spending the night at Stacy's, in the car. The tension was so thick it was cutting off all oxygen. I started to feel suffocated so I opened the window. Lance's pack was running out side the car keeping perfect pace. I laid my head on the lowered window.

"We can make it though this." Matt said in the lowest tone possible.

Then the engine blew out.

"Or not." Aislin sighed.

The pack stopped and look at the driver who shrugged and said something in french. Perfect, just wonderful. I had never had a FML moment but this was definitely one. We all stared at each other not knowing what else to do.

"How far is the town?" Lance asked his pack.

"Roughly twenty miles but still closer then the town we left behind. " Answered the oldest one, Joel.

"Run and see if you can bring back help." Lance responded unfazed by the distance.

"How long will that take?" Doll asked.

"Two hours one way." The youngest, Argon, answered.

We all grimaced. "Leave now please." I whisperer they ran into the trees.

"Why will it take so long?" Doll bite her lip, probably hating the idea of being stuck with Matt that long.

"A pack that large isn't supposed to run together after dark. New laws. So they have to stay hidden. We will be lucky if that get back that soon."

Then we sat, no one wanted to talk about the huge elephant in the car least of all me.
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