Status: Oneshot/Contest-- might continue. ;)

I Forgot How Boring Summer Was


"I forgot how boring summer is." I groaned, typing gibberish on my laptop. It was a lazy day in July. My parents were at work and I was home alone with my older brother, Stephen, who would storm in randomly to ask me if I wanted to go play football with him and his friends. I always refused. Sports were never my thing. I always ended up trying to kill someone out on that field.

The door opened again and Stephen approached me. "Are you sure, Virgie?"

I turned up my i-pod and rolled over. On the computer, I typed "NO." in giant letters.

He sighed. "Well, fine then. Be bored all day." He turned and walked out of the room.

"Your friends are assholes!" I yelled after him. With that, I got back to randomly typing. I had watched every Motley Crue video on youtube, I had talked to just about everyone on facebook. I had watched every movie in the entire house aside from "Borat" and "The Hangover," which my parents had hidden so I couldn't watch it.

"Bill And Ted's Excellent Adventure" was still sitting on my desk in the corner of the room. As I looked at it, I got a crazy little idea that confirmed I was slowly going insane from boredom. I glanced up at my wall with old tour posters of Motley Crue that my mom had given me for Christmas. A little smile twitched the corner of my lips. I finally had something to do.

Time travel.

But how would I do that? That's why I had Alex, my fellow Crue fan and technology expert. I picked up my Blackberry and dialed her number. Calling was faster than texting any day. She picked up after the first ring.

"Greetings, Virgie-san." She said.

"Salutations. Dude, I had the fucking coolest idea ever."

"I wanna hear it!" She screamed. I could hear the springs on her bed creaking as she crossed over to her secret corner in her room.

"Okay, it's pretty childish and it won't work, but it'll give us something to do, alright?"

"I love childish things, you know that."

"Alright, here it is: We build a time machine and go meet Motley Crue." I said quietly. I had a feeling that Stephen was outside the door listening.

She was quiet. "That. Is. Awesome. It just might work. Strange and impractical, but if we do something right..."

I laughed. "Alright, get your ass and over-active imagination over here and let's waste some time."

"This is the best thing you have ever thought up!" She squealed before she hung up.

In a matter of minutes, she barged through the door, panting and rambling on about how we were going to do it. "Pull up something on google." She said breathlessly. "Google knows all."

I typed "how to make a time machine" and clicked the enter key. A bunch of results came up. We clicked on a random one and got to work.


Alex and I stared at this low budget piece of junk we had concocted. I started giggling.

"Well, come on! Let's test it out." Alex pumped her fist and dragged me over to the cardboard box with the wires sticking out in every direction. she picked up the phone we had hooked up to it and dialed 1985.

At first, nothing happened. I nudged her and we started laughing.

"Well, come on, Virgie. Let's go to the park and terrorize children." She got up and pushed the top of the box open and started to crawl out. But then she stopped and her eyes widened.

"What is it?" I tapped her.

"It worked." She said dryly.

"No fucking way. Let me see!" I poked my head under her arm and looked around. We weren't in my room, we were outside some giant arena. We stumbled out, dusted ourselves off, and observed our surroundings. A giant tour bus was parked a few feet away from us. I knew that bus anywhere, and so did Alex. We turned and stared at each other, too astonished to scream.

"Virgie, we're at a fucking Crue concert."

"How do we get in? We don't have tickets!"

"Here's the plan. We find a backstage window, like that one," She pointed to an open window with a light on inside. "We climb through it and sneak in."

"Okay, good. But first, I gotta check something." I walked up to some random groupie. "What year is it?"

She stared at me like I was an idiot. "Um, why?"

"Cause I'm in a serious crisis right now. See, I'm from the year 2010, and my friend and I teleported ourselves here. We need to know what year it is!"

She simply walked away. I stomped my foot and turned back to Alex. "Let's go through the window now, okay?"

The show was supposed to start at seven, and it was seven-thirty. They were probably on by now. But hell, better late than never...

I hoisted myself up and in, falling onto the carpet and slamming my head into the floor. Alex followed close behind, crashing on top of me. "Ow," I groaned, getting up and straightening my shirt.

"Who the fuck are you?" Someone asked. My head snapped up. Standing above us was Mick Mars. I gulped.

"I'm Virgie." I said meekly.

"And I'm Alex."

"Who the hell are you talking to?" Nikki asked, walking over. He looked at me and Alex, laughing. "Vince! Tommy! Come here!"

"What is it?" Tommy and Vince examined us, too.

Vince smiled. "I get them."

"No, I get them!" Tommy yelled.

"No, I get them. I saw them first. They're mine," Nikki said. "Mine mine mine."

"Excuse me? They aren't fucking objects!" Mick screamed over the din.

"Okay, fine." Vince said. "So how did you get in here, pretty ladies?" He rested his elbow on my head. The stilettos he was wearing added about a foot to his height. Alex stood there, her mouth wide open.

"Through the window." She explained.

"Do you have tickets?" Tommy asked.

"No." She shook her head. "But we come in peace."

All of them stared at us. "So what are you doing here?" Mick questioned. We shrugged, not wanting to explain the whole story to them. Nikki smudged some grease-paint under his eyes.

"What do we do with them?"

"Put them in the front row or something. I'll take care of them after the show." Vince messed with his pink, spandex, leopard underwear.

"After the show, we'll come get you guys, alright?" Tommy said. "Now where's my fucking cocktail?" He stormed off and Mick followed him. Nikki and Vince looked at each other, then back at us.

"Which one do you want?" Nikki asked him.

Vince shrugged. "Both of them."

"You can only have one, you fucking alcoholic bastard."

"I am not an alcoholic." Vince spat. "And I'll take that one." He pointed to me.

"Good, cause I wanted the other one, anyway!"

"Guys, shut the fuck up and get onstage!" Doug Thaler poked his head in.

"Fuck you!" Nikki and Vince yelled in unison. They dragged me and Alex out to the hallway.

"Go that way. That's were all the seats are and shit." Vince said. "I'll see you later, gorgeous." He grabbed my ass before running after the rest of the band. We ran into the bathrooms instead. I threw my arms around her and started screaming.

"Can you fucking believe it?" I yelled.

She joined me and began jumping up and down. "It actually happened, dude. I'm never going back home!" She high-fived me and we walked out to go watch them play their cute little asses into oblivion.
♠ ♠ ♠
Word count: 1,237
Took a long time. Poorly written, I think... =P
And yes, I had to put Alex in it. I miss that kid.
Comments, please?