Teamwork never fails


The knocking on the front door brought Tony from a sound sleep. Instinctively, he reached for his gun on the bedside table, glancing at the alarm clock on his nightstand. 4 in the morning. He got out of bed and quickly threw on a pair of pants as the person knocked again, and he realized it sounded extremely urgent. He held his gun behind his back as he looked through the peephole on his apartment door. He didn’t see anyone. Confused, he started heading back to his bedroom when he heard a whimper. He looked back out the peephole, but still didn’t see anything. A shadow made his heart race. He slowly unlocked the deadbolt and chain, and opened the door, keeping his gun hidden.
“Is that how you always answer your door Tony?” the dark haired, dark eyed woman walking toward his door asked. He looked down to the tank top and boxers he was wearing, but didn’t cringe. She’s seen him in a lot less.
“What are you doing here David?” Tony asked, looking his co-worker up and down. He heard the whimper again and looked around.
“Did you hear that?” Ziva asked, looking around as well. Tony nodded, and brought his gun into view. Ziva got hers out of her holster and followed him toward a door. They reached a corner, and froze. A girl was in the corner of the hallway, completely covered in blood. Her green eyes were open, but unfocused. Ziva reached out and touched her neck, feeling for a pulse.
“She’s dead.” She confirmed to Tony.
“Dead women can’t whine.” Tony stated. He looked around, and his heart stalled. A baby carrier was across the hall. A blanket covering whatever was in it. The blanket jerked as something hit it. Tony walked slowly toward the carrier, and tore the blanket from the top. Inside was the exact opposite of what he wanted to see. A little baby girl, who couldn’t of been no more than four months old, jumped and stared up at him. There was a piece of paper attached to the baby’s clothing. In block letters was the name Anthony.

~Four Hours Later~
“I’ve been over this over and over again,” Tony said, getting frustrated with the local uniform taking his statement. “I’m an NCIS Agent. The woman is my partner, Ziva David. I was asleep when someone knocked on my door. I looked out, but no one was there, so I started going back to bed when I saw the shadow of Agent David coming down the hall. I didn’t know it was her, so I opened the door. I had my gun when I first woke up because I don’t get too many visitors at four in the morning. I had my gun and thought maybe someone was going to attack me. I kept hearing this whining sound, and David heard it too, so we walked down the hall to find the woman dead. The baby was across the hall. I don’t know anyone who’s had a baby that’ll attempt to leave it in front of my door, let alone leave me a letter along with it.”
“According to the letter, the baby is your sister.” the uniform said.
“Hardly possible. The only person who could give me a sibling is my father.” Tony replied. A sudden commotion at the other end of the hallway had the two turning around. Anthony smiled when he saw his boss and team walking down the hall.
“DiNozzo, go get dressed.” Gibbs said, looking Tony over.
“I’m not finished with him,” the uniform said.
“This is no long a metro investigation. This victim was a Navy Seal,” Gibbs replied. “The case was turned over to NCIS, now please leave my crime scene. Diiii Nozzo, clothes, now.” Tony nodded and quickly rushed off. “DiNozzo,” Gibbs said.
“Yeah boss?” Tony asked, confused.
“Forgetting something?” Gibbs replied, indicating the carrier with the now sleeping baby girl. Tony looked apprehensive for a moment before picking up the carrier, gently to try not to wake the baby, and took her inside his apartment. He took her and placed her on the floor of his bedroom, staring at her as she slept so peacefully, not knowing she was laying beside her dead caregiver just moments ago. Tony quickly dressed and picked the baby back up, walking into the living room to find the medical examiner of NCIS, Ducky, standing in the doorway.
“Jethro wanted me to check on the little darling before seeing to the poor girl.” Ducky explained. Tony set the carrier on the coffee table.
“She’ll need to be taken out and held in order to examine her, I’m afraid.” Ducky said, unsnapping the buckles strapping the baby to the seat.
“Uhm, I’ve never had experience…” Tony started, but Gibbs came in at that second and picked up the baby. His knowledge of child handling was more than obvious with the way he laid the baby in the crook of his arm.
“This, is how you hold a baby Tony,” he said, looking up at him. “Support the head, and you’ll be perfectly fine.” He handed the baby to DiNozzo, who quickly made sure to support her head. He held her the way Gibbs did while Ducky looked her over.
“Nice and healthy.” Ducky announced a few minutes later. “She a beautiful little girl, I can see a family resemblance in the two of you.”
“Thanks, I guess.” Tony said, looking down at the girl in his arms.
“Tony, your assignment for this case, since your so involved, is to take care of that little girl.” Gibbs said. “Don’t worry about experience,” Gibbs said when Tony opened his mouth to say something. “I’ll help you out until you get the hang of it.”
“I think I’m going to have to get the hang of something right now,” Tony said, a smell emerging from the baby’s diaper. Gibbs smirked and reached for the diaper bag that was beside the carrier when they found it. He pulled out a diaper and wipes and handed them both to Tony.
“It’s not that hard,” Gibbs said, smiling as he walked out of the apartment. Tony stared after him, then stared at the stuff in his hand.
“Need some help?” a new voice asked. Tony looked up the see his other team mate Timothy McGee walk into the room.
“Yeah right McGeek, what do you know about kids?” Tony asked, laying the baby on the couch. Without saying a word, Tim grabbed the diaper and wipes and quickly changed the baby’s diaper. Tony watched carefully, and in completely shock.
“Very good young probie,” Tony said. McGee just smiled and picked up the baby, holding her as if he did it on a daily basis. “My cousin just had a kid, I baby sit every so often.” He explained.
“That explains a lot.” Tony said. The baby was awake now, so he could see her eyes were a very dark blue.
“She’s a cute little bugger I’ll give her that much,” Tony said, watching the baby. Tim handed the baby back to Anthony, and went back to work. Ziva, kept glancing up at Tony to watch him interact with the baby. He was good with them, despite his lack of experience.
“Tell DiNozzo we’re heading to base. You’re to ride with him Ziva.” Gibbs mutter to Ziva after a while. Ziva nodded her head and walked back into DiNozzo’s apartment.
“Tony, we’re heading out, I’m to ride with you and the baby to base.” Ziva informed Tony. He nodded, but made no indication to moving to put her in the car seat.
“Did the note have a name for her?” Ziva asked, sitting next to him on the couch.
“Abriana,” he answered.
“Italian,” Ziva replied, nodding her head. “I heard she could be your little sister.”
“So the note says, but I don’t see how, the only person who could give me sister is my father, and he’s too old to be having a three month old baby.”
“Not really,” Ziva said, shrugging. “I understand though, that is not something you really want to think about with your parents.”
“Yeah, I guess you’re right,” Tony muttered, sighing and standing up. With Ziva’s help he got Abriana in the car seat, and after a little figuring out, he put the car seat in the back of his car.
“Abby can prove if she’s your sister or not.” Ziva pointed out.
“I know, I’m just not to sure I want her to,” DiNozzo replied, slowing to a stop at a red light. “The girl grew on me in the short time she’s been here.”

They reached the NCIS base a few minutes later, and noticed that McGee was already working on a lead.
“Not to much to go on, but enough to get an identification.” McGee said when he saw Tony and Ziva walking in. Tony set the sleeping baby on his desk and sat in his chair. He moved the car seat to where the baby was facing him. He watched her sleep, for how long he didn’t know. There was something relaxing about watching a baby sleep, he’s always heard that, but he’s never experienced yet, until now.
“Tony,” someone’s voice cut through his thoughts. He looked up to see it was Abby. She was gazing at the baby in the car seat, excitement in her eyes. “May I?” she asked. He nodded and stepped back as Abby unbuckled Abriana and lifted her up.
“She’s so cute,” she cooed as she swayed with the baby. “Do you want me to run DNA on the both of you?” Before Tony could reply, Gibbs walked into the bullpen.
“No need Abbs,” Gibbs said, walking to his desk. He looked up at the elevator as it dinged, announcing the arrival of someone on the floor.
“Senior,” Tony said, looking his father up and down. The elder DiNozzo walked up to his son and stared at the girl in the car seat.
“So that’s the baby Shelly was telling me about,” Senior muttered. “She’s your little sister you know.”
“So I was told,” Tony replied. “Let’s go have a little chat.” he picked up Abriana and walked away, stopping beneath a set of stares.
“Can I have my daughter?” Senior asked, holding out his hands.
“What, don’t trust me with my own sister?” Tony demanded. “You seem to trust an eighteen year old with a baby very well.”
“Why do you have her anyway, where’s Shelly?” Senior asked, looking around.
“Oh, just a couple floors down, want me to get someone to watch Abri and we can go see her?”
“No, bring the girl with us,” Tony’s father replied.
“Don’t think so,” he said, stalking toward the bullpen. He laid Abriana back in her car seat and looked toward McGee.
“Tim, watch her for a minute,” he said, placing the baby on the floor beside Tim’s legs. McGee watched as both DiNozzos left to the elevator.
“Well, hello there Tony, and Tony.” Ducky said as father and son walked into autopsy.
“What are we doing down here?” the elder DiNozzo asked, looking at his son.
“May we see Shelly?” Tony asked Ducky, ignoring his father. Ducky nodded and opened a cold drawer, sliding the body out for Senior to see. He chocked back tears as he stared at the woman on the table.
“What happened?” he asked his son.
“That’s what I’d like to know,” Gibbs asked from behind them. “You were the last one to see her alive.”
“Because I was seeing my daughter,” Senior snapped at Gibbs. Tony noticed Gibbs stiffen right away.
“Abriana,” he said, rushing out of the room. Gibbs watched his senior field agent leave, and turned back to the agents father.
“Snap at me like that again, and see what happens.” Gibbs said, staring him in the eyes. “This is an on going investigation, which now involved your son and daughter because the woman was killed in DiNozzo’s apartment building, on his floor.”
“Builds character,” Senior said, shrugging.
“Get out of here, and the baby stays with Tony.” Gibbs said. Senior stared at Gibbs, and pushed past him.
“What do you think will happen with him?” Ducky asked.
“The girl will be taken from him, and put into child services.” Gibbs answered.
“I highly doubt Anthony will allow her to stay there for a long time.” Ducky muttered, getting back to work.
“I doubt it too,” Gibbs answered.
In the bullpen, Tony was rocking in his chair with Abriana in his arms. He had watched his father storm out of the base not to long ago without so much as a glance his way. Abriana was playing with her hands as she stared at Tony, a tiny smile on her face. Ziva and Tim was following a lead, so it was just him there.
“You’re a beautiful little girl,” he muttered, looking down at his sister. The baby just cooed and shoved her fist in her mouth, gnawing on her hand. He smiled at the little baby and buried his face in her soft, sweet scent.
“Go home Tony,” Gibbs said walking to his desk.
“It’s still a crime scene,” Tony muttered as Abriana started to fuss.
“She may need changed.” Gibbs said. “Or a bottle.”
“I’ll try both,” Tony replied, grabbing the diaper bag that was under his desk. He went into the restroom and changed the diaper the way he remembered Tim doing it. He looked at the bottles and powder and became lost.
“I guess I can figure it how,” he said to the baby laying on the counter. He grabbed the can and looked at the label, relieved when it showed instructions. He followed them and picked the girl back up, pacing the nipple of the bottle in her mouth.
“You’re hungry aren’t ya?” he asked as the bathroom door opened. He looked over and saw Ziva standing by the door.
“Need help?” she asked, walking toward him.
“No offense, but you probably know less about child care than I do.” Tony replied.
“Burp her after every two ounces.” she said. She began picking the stuff up and placing it in the bag.
“Am I the only one who doesn’t know how to care for a kid?” Anthony asked, aggravated as he lifted Abriana to his shoulder. He tapped her on the back until he heard a “urp.” He adjusted her to where she was back in the crook of his arm, and he was feeding her again. They were silent for a long moment. Tony lifted Abriana to his shoulder to burp her again, but he felt his shoulder get wet after Abriana jerked a little.
“Oh, here,” Ziva said, grabbing paper towels and wiping up the spit up from Tony’s shoulder and the baby’s mouth. Tony watched Ziva through the mirror, and his heart lurched when their eyes connected. She smiled at him as she threw the paper towels away.
“Thanks,” Tony replied.
“You know, if you ever need help, I’m here for you,” Ziva said, moving around to stand in front of him. Tony nodded as he finished feeding Abriana. The baby was already asleep again, so Tony walked back out into the bullpen, Ziva following with the diaper bag. Ziva sat down at her desk and started typing on her keyboard. Tony realized he had nothing to do now, so he started up his own computer. He started going to the game he had downloaded, but stopped as he looked at Abriana. Instead he pulled up the internet and brought up a child care site. He went to the portion that showed what to do for a baby Ana’s age, and what that baby needs.
The essentials was listed, clothes, formula, a place to sleep, a car seat, but what threw Tony off was how many different things there was. For clothes they had one pieces, night clothes, jeans, shirts, socks, a bunting, gloves to prevent her from scratching her face with her fingernails. For formulas there were so many different types, for sensitive stomachs, regular, iron deficient.
He continued to read until a beep came over his computer. It was an email, and it had a picture of Abriana in Tony’s arms as he was walking out of his apartment building.

Gibbs looked over Tony’s shoulder to stare at the email.
“McGee, have you found out where the email was sent from?” Gibbs asked, looking over to the agent.
“Still working on is boss,” McGee answered.
“Tim, think if it’s your sister getting threatened, and work faster,” Tony snapped. McGee nodded and began typing faster.
“Tony, a word?” Ziva asked from her desk. Tony looked up at Gibbs, who nodded and took Abriana from Tony’s arms. Tony followed Ziva to a more private area.
“Look, I know your worried, but don’t take everything out of McGee. He’s trying his hardest as all of us are.
“I know Ziva,” Tony said, rubbing his eyes. “I don’t know what’s coming over me.”
“You care about that baby, you’re the mama bear with her foal.”
“Cub, Ziva, mama bear with her cub.” Tony corrected.
“Anyway, you’re worried about that girl in there, but we all are stressed out, because this doesn’t just effect you, it effects the team, and the future that baby has.”
“You’re passionate about this,” Tony pointed out. Ziva moved closer to Tony, so close their faces were mere inches from one another.
“Yes,” she breathed. Tony was about to lean closer to her, but a wail prevented him from continuing.
“Go get her,” Ziva said. Tony started walking away, but Ziva stopped him. “We’ll finish this later.” she whispered. Tony raised his eyebrows, but quickly went back to the bullpen when Abriana started crying harder. The minute Tony took her back in his arms, she quieted down.
“She knows her family,” Gibbs said with a smile. Tony patted the baby on her butt, rocking her slightly. Abriana looked up at Tony with big dark blue eyes,
“Anything yet McGee?” Gibbs asked, looking around to the agent.
“Nothing, the person blocked all back traces and it doesn’t let me get an accurate location.” McGee answered.
“Go get Abby to help, I’m not going to let this slide.” Gibbs said. “Tony, I talked to Director Vance, your apartment is no longer a crime scene. Take the girl home, and get some rest.”
“I won’t be able to sleep, but I do need to get her out of here.” Tony said. He strapped Abriana into her car seat and picked up her things.
“Ziva, go with him.” Gibbs added. Ziva nodded, getting up without question.
“Ready for a long night, from what I heard, these things are quite the night owls.” Tony muttered to Ziva in the elevator. She smirked at him as she got in the passenger seat of his car.
“We’ll see about that,” she replied.

~Four Hours Later~
“What’s wrong now?” Ziva asked, walking into Tony’s room, her hair standing on end. Tony held a crying Abriana, not looking too much better than Ziva with bags under his eyes.
“I don’t know,” Tony admitted. “She’s changed, fed. I don’t know what’s wrong with her.”
“Let me see her,” Ziva said, holding out her hands. Tony passed the baby over, and she quieted down at once. “I guess she just needed a female touch.” Ziva replied.
“I guess so,” Tony mumbled. “Hm, I guess Gibbs rule 15 doesn’t really count with us.”
“Always work as a team, well, we still are,” Ziva replied, smiling up at Tony. DiNozzo rolled his eyes, but smiling back.
“Get some sleep,” Ziva said. “We’ll be just fine.” She left the room, holding the baby close to her. “You’re lucky to have Tony in your life.” she said to the little girl in her arms. “He’ll protect you, just like he’s protected me.”
Later that morning, Tony woke up more rested than before. He walked into the living room with every intention on letting Ziva off the hook, but he found her completely passed out on the couch, Abriana sleeping soundly on her chest. Tony couldn’t help but smile at the sight. Abriana jerked awake and started moving around, and Ziva awoke right away.
“I got her Ziva, you go back to sleep.” he said, grabbing the baby from Ziva’s chest.
“I have to get to base,” She said, sitting up and rubbing her eyes. She started putting her shoes on as her phone rang.
“David,” she answered. “We’re on our way.” She stood up and grabbed her gear. “Gibbs, they got a lead.” She informed Tony.
“Let’s go,” he said, strapping Abriana in her car seat. Abriana started sucking on her fist as he snapped her in. She held her hand out to him with a little smile. Tony smiled back at her and kissed her cheek. The baby might have been his sister, but he was starting to love her like she was his own daughter, and it scared him.
“I’m suing my father for custody, and I’m going to adopt Abriana as my own,” Tony informed Ziva as they drove.
“That’s good to hear Tony,” Ziva said approvingly.
“Maybe, I can get a little female touch to help out with her?” he hinted, grabbing her hand. “We both know there’s something between us Ziva, we’re both adults, why keep beating around the bush?”
“Rule 12,” Ziva replied.
“That’s Gibbs’ rules, not ours.” Tony pointed out, pulling up to the base security gate. He flashed his badge and was allowed through. “His rules are more like guidelines for the rest of us anyway.”
“I know, but it’s sound advice.”
“We’re adults,” Tony repeated, pulling into a parking space. “If things don’t work out, we can go back to where we were before.”
“I’ll think about it,” Ziva said, getting out of the car. Tony followed her, Abriana asleep in her car seat.
“You look like hell,” Gibbs commented to Ziva and Tony.
“Long night,” Tony replied. “You have a lead?”
“Yep, Ziva, gear up, we’ll get you coffee on the way, Tony, director Vance would like to see you.” Tony gulped and looked toward the director’s office. He saw Vance staring at him. He picked up the baby and walked up the stairs.
“So, this is the little DiNozzo baby?” Vance asked, looking at Abriana.
“Yes sir,” Tony replied.
“She’s a cutie. Rough night?” Vance asked, looking Tony up and down.
“For David and me both,” he replied honestly.
“Now, and I’m sure there is no need for me to tell you this, but I understand that you have no choice but the bring the girl to work right now, she is after all, the sole witness you have, however…”
“Whoa, okay, I see how things are for you,” Tony cut him off. “Business as usual right? No need to be concerned that the woman who was killed is my baby sister’s mother, the baby is just a witness and I’m playing witness protection right?”
“That’s not what I’m saying at all,” Vance said.
“Well, you know what, I’ve had this girl by my side for the past two days, and I’m planning on taking my own father through courts for her,” Tony informed his boss. “I don’t appreciate you referring to her as a simple ‘witness’ because she’s more than that.”
“Absolutely, she’s the future of our country,” Vance replied. “but as of right now she is a witness, and you are an agent under my orders. From now on, you will find a babysitter to sit with her, either that, or I will grant you leave to stay home with her yourself.”
“I think I’d prefer the leave right now,” Tony replied. Vance nodded his head once and picked up at sheet of paper. “Consider it done,” Vance said as he handed Tony the paper. Anthony nodded and went back downstairs as Gibbs, Ziva and Timothy walked into the bullpen.
“Take care of that girl,” Gibbs said as he passed Tony.
“I’m on leave, to stay home with Abriana.” Tony explained to Ziva and McGee.
“Have fun,” Tim said, getting back to work.
“A little bit of advice with sleeping,” Gibbs said. “Sleep when she does, it doesn’t matter if it’s in the middle of the day, sleeping when she does gets you and her both rest.”
“Thanks Gibbs.” Tony said.
“Hey, always work as a team right?” Tim asked, walking up to them.
“Absolutely.” Gibbs replied.

~Two Years Later~
“Ziva, come on we have to go!” Tony called to his wife of one year. They’re two year old daughter waddled up to him, arms out stretched toward him.
“Dada,” she said, grabbing his leg.
“It doesn’t feel weird to you that she calls you Dada when she’s biologically your sister?” Ziva asked.
“What about you when she has no biological connection to you, but she calls you Momma?”
“Only a little bit,” Ziva replied with a shrug.
“Ready to go see Aunt Abby and Uncle Timmy?” Tony asked the toddler. Abriana smiled and giggled. They walked out the door and to Tony’s car, making their way to Ducky’s house.
“Well, there you three are,” Ducky said, opening the door for the family. He took their coats and hung them up while they made their way to the dining room, where Abby and Tim was already waiting.
“Gibbs a no show?” Tony asked, looking around.
“Right behind you DiNozzo,” Gibbs said, walking in from the kitchen. They sat down as Ducky walked in with a large turkey.
“To family,” Gibbs said, taking Abriana from Tony’s lap and placing her on his own.
“Poppa Gibb!” she said, hugging him. Tony and Ziva smiled at the girl and looked at each other.
“To family,” everyone agreed.
“Always work as a team, and never take anything for granted.” Tony added, raising his glass.
♠ ♠ ♠
and my entry is complete.