Pass Me Another Bottle, Honey

Sounds like you sure as hell can't handle it

I walked upstairs and down the hall, glancing in each of the rooms. Which one did I want. At the end of the hall was cracked open door. I pushed it open and looked around.

"Found my room!" I shouted. Lilly came jogging up besides me.

"Aw no fair. You get the biggest room?" she asked. I nodded and smiled and just stared at it. It was amazing. It was huge, had a big walk in closet, own bathroom, balcony and a view of the neighbors house and the town lit up behind that.

"You girls pick out your rooms yet?" my mom called after us. Lilly looked into the room on our right.

"I call this one." she said.

"I got this one." I pointed to the room. My parents looked.

"Good choice. We should get the biggest but seeing as we won't be here much it won't really matter." my dad said. I smiled. We moved across town. We lived in a smaller house before and my parents thought it made them seem like they didn't have much money so they decided that they wanted to live on the rich side of town.

"The movers will be up with your things soon." my mom said as she and my dad walked away. Lilly and I entered my room and we went to the balcony.

"Aw that's lame. How come the neighbors get a pool and we don't?" Lilly groaned. I just stared into their backyard.

"Guess we will be over there a lot this summer." I said and turned and went back into my room.


I layed on my stomach in the middle of my room on the floor. It was about 10 at night,all my things were where I wanted, and I was rolling a joint. I jumped up and grabbed my lighter on my way to the balcony. I sat with my legs sticking through the bars and my head leaning against the bars. I lit up and sat there and inhaled the smoke. After holding in for a while I let it out. A car came driving down the road and pulled into my neighbors driveway. I continued smoking. What the hell were they going to do? A person wearing skinny jeans and a hoodie got out. I couldn't tell if it was a guy or a girl.

"Jesus it smells like mad chronic out here." a guys voice said. I started to laugh while I had the smoke in my mouth and ended up choking. I heard laughter.

"Sounds like you sure as hell can't handle it." the guy said. I laughed.

"Really? Then why don't you come up and show me how it's done?" I said, my voice strained from coughing. He laughed and I heard footsteps and our back gate open. I had only been joking. I looked down to see the purple hoodie illuminated from my house windows. The guy looked up. Holy fuck. I look like shit. He began to climb the trellis up to my balcony.

"Well you seem pretty pro at that." I said as I watched him and then took a puff.

"Well me and my friends used to climb up and party in the house cause they never locked the balcony door. Stupid Realtors." he laughed and he pulled himself over the railing. He was now standing beside me. He sat down and stuck his legs through the bars next to mine. I handed him the joint. He took a hit and held it in and passed it back. I smiled. He looked familiar He let out the hit.

"Where you from?" he asked.

"Other side of town."

"Oh so do you go to Dulaney High?" he asked. I nodded. He shoved me back lightly into the light and squinted.

"You look familiar I think we had a couple classes together before." he said.

"Probably. I'm Lo-" he cut me off by shouting.

"LOLA! Lola Lively! That's who." he said while smiling.

"Yup." I smiled back.

"Yeah I remember you. You were at Jack's birthday party with his sister a couple years ago. We played truth or dare and I made out with you." he smirked. I rolled my eyes.

"Well that's great." I laughed. "I don't mean to sound rude but I have no idea who you are but you do look familiar." That was a lie. I knew very well who he was. Anyone who didn't know who he was in Dulaney High was a complete social outcast. Even the nerds knew about him. He was the school man whore.

"Jeez. I thought that kiss was memorable." he laughed. "But, I'm Alex. Alex Gaskarth." he stuck out his hand for me to shake. I did so and smiled. I went back to the joint and he just stared at me. I blew out the smoke and handed it to him. He took his hit but still didn't take his eyes off me. I was wearing my pajamas, had my hair tied up in a messy bun and I had no makeup on. He passed the joint back and his phone began to ring. He answered it as I took a hit.

"Hey mom." he said. I smiled and carefully passed him back the joint. It was pretty much done with.

"No I'm walking home right now. I walked to Zack's real quick to give him his video game back. Thought I could use the exercise." he shot me a sly smile. I rolled my eyes and smiled. He then tried to take a hit and burned his fingers. He threw it down and stuck his finger in his mouth. I laughed a little.

"No. Why would I be with a girl? I told you I was walking home." he said defensively. I then began to get up.

"Ok I will be home right now." he groaned and he hung up. He stood in front of me. I was really short compared to him. He stood about 9 inches above me. I looked up at him with my hands on my hips.

"Well this was fun. Glad I caught you." he smiled. I chuckled.

"Yeah ditto." I said. He just stood there for a second smiling and looking at me. He took a step closer and filled the space between us. he was looking down into my eyes. I cocked my eyebrow at him and a smirk appeared on his face.

"Night." he whispered.

"Night Alex." I said and I stood on my tiptoes and kissed his cheek. and backed away. He smiled and turned away and went over the railing onto trellis.

"Oh and by the way. I like the bra. Leopard print is sexy." he smiled and went down. I looked down and seen that my shirt was see through and you could see my bra perfectly. I laughed and walked back into my room, locking the balcony behind me.
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Mucho Amor,