Pass Me Another Bottle, Honey

A Different Ride

I sat on the floor in front of my mirror, applying my makeup. I looked at Alex through the mirror. He was laying in my bed.

"You nervous?" I asked as I focused my attention back to my mascara. He sighed.

"A little. I mean this is our big break. We've been waiting for this for the longest time. There are gonna be plenty of people there for us to sign with but the thing is I don't want to choose the wrong one and fuck everything up." he said. I finished my make up and got up and laid on him. I kissed him lightly on the lips.

"Don't worry about anything, babe. It will all go great and you will choose the right one. If not, then oh well. Try again." I said. He gave a small smile.

"You're right." he said and then kissed me again. We pulled away and I looked at him and laughed.

"And you have red lips." I smiled. He laughed and wiped it off.

"Better?" He asked and I nodded. "And I'm sorry I don't look as great as you do with red lipstick on." I laughed.

"Come on, monkey," I said as I got up, "Let's go or we will be late and everyone will bitch and moan." He laughed and got up. We left my house and went to his car. It was a bit warmer in his car. For being mid October, it sure as hell felt like mid December. He turned on his heater and backed out of the driveway, driving to the venue Downtown.


Aneko came running out of the crowd, after the set. I stayed in back with Kara and Tegan.

"I got some great photos! and while I was crowd surfing, some guy grabbed my ass." She laughed.

"I think more people than him grabbed your ass, if you were crowd surfing." Tegan laughed out. Aneko just shrugged.

"Did you guys see me?!?!" Lyric came running out from the crowd.

"Yeah, you're crazy." Kara said.

"Yeah you freak. She would start from the back and have someone lift her to crowd surf and then once she got to the front she would come back around and do it again. All in heels and a skirt. I'm surprised she didn't take an eye out on someone." I laughed. All the other girls laughed too. We sat back there talking for a while until the guys came running over.

"We have a meeting set up tomorrow afternoon!" Zack said excitedly.

"And 4 other numbers in case that one falls through." Jack said while waving them around. I jumped up and hugged Alex.

"I'm so proud of you!" I kissed him passionately. He spun me around and kissed back.

"Let's go party!" Jack yelled out and then ran off. Everyone agreed and then followed after Jack. We went to the bar next door. All of us thankfully had our i.d's. There were a bunch of people there. The other bands that played tonight were there too, and tons of band whores. About two hours later we were all split up. I sat at the bar with Dalia and we were sipping drinks. I was driving Lyric, Alex, and myself back home. I looked around, wondering where Alex was.

"Don't mean to be a rat, but I think he's over there." Dalia said quietly as she nodded to behind me. I turned and looked. It was him but he was facing the other way, towards the big boobed, blonde girl. Looked like Erin but sluttier and a tad uglier. She wore too much make up and wore skimpy clothes and stiletto shoes. She was laughing and touching his arm and ordering drink after drink for them. I just stared for a second until I turned back around.

"I'm going to go and talk to him." I said and got up.

"Good luck. Holler if you need help with the bimbo." Dalia said as I walked away. I gave her a thumbs up. I walked past the 7 people that separated us. Yes, I counted. It was the only way not to focus on the fact that this chick and Alex were flirting. Or at least she was flirting with him and he didn't seem to have a problem with it. Once there the chick looked at me and gave me a bitch look like, "What the fuck do you want?" kind of look. I tapped Alex's shoulder and he didn't turn. I did it again.

"What?" he said finally turning to see me. His eyes got big for a second and then went back to being red and glassy. "Hey Lola."

"Who is this?" the girl asked.

"I should be asking the same thing." I said while looking at Alex.

"Oh! How rude of me. Lola, this is my new friend, Christina. Christina, this is my friend Lola." Alex said. Maybe I'm hearing things or the music is too loud, cause I though he said my FRIEND, Lola.

"Oh, ok. I thought she was your girlfriend or something." Christina rolled her eyes and took her shot and handed one to Alex, who then drank it.

"I am his girlfriend, or something," I said. The girl cracked a smile.

"Apparently not anymore. darling." she said with that ugly ass smile plastered on her face. Gosh, what I would give to punch her. I looked at Alex. He seemed to have an interest in the glass he was drinking out of, all of the sudden, cause he sure as fuck wouldn't look at me. I laughed a little and shook my head.

"Wow. I should've figured that. Well have fun with this whore, get your ride home from her. Or ride of something." I said and turned away. I walked away from them and to the dance floor. I scanned it until my sight landed on a big black bow, stuck into a mass of black hair. I made my way through the people and then pulled Lyric's arm. She looked at me.

"Time to go!" I shouted so she could hear. She made this face and sighed. I then began to pull her behind me, like a child and a mother. She was complaining the whole way. Finally we were outside.

"Where's Alex?!" she shouted, like we were still in the club. I let go of her hand, since she stopped walking.

"He found a different ride." I said.

"Oh. Is that like code for he is with another girl? Or is he getting a ride home from someone else?" she asked.

"Both, now come on." I said irritably.

"But you walk so fast!" she complained and swung her arms around. People around us were just watching at how drunk she was. She could barely stand.

"Well maybe if you take off the ridiculous heels." I said.

"Oh yeah!" she then plopped herself in the middle of the sidewalk and then began to take off her heels. I just shook my head and waited till she was done. "So we aren't coming back tonight?" she asked. I heard someone else laughing. She looked pathetic on the sidewalk, how she was. I sighed and walked over to her and helped her up.

"No were not." We walked to the Alex's car.
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Lol I know I've been putting Lyric instead of Lilly. Either one is good. Just remember, they are the same person. ha ha.

So I am really happy to see that I have 50 readers and 11 subscribers but only 1 comment. :( But oh well. Thank you all who subscribed and there will be more soon. For sure. :)