Pass Me Another Bottle, Honey


I groaned as I heard my ring tone go off for the seventh time. I've been able to not really pay much attention to it, until now. I grabbed it from my nightstand and put it to my ear after pushing the green button.

"Where the hell is Alex?!" Jack's voice came frantic over the other line. I stayed laying in bed.

"Fuck if I know. Some slut's house." I said. Jack was quiet for a second.

"Sorry. Alex is a dick. Well he won't pick up his phone and we are 15 minutes late for the meeting!" Jack whined. I looked at the clock. It was 1:15 p.m. I sighed and got up.

"I will go and see if he's home." I began to walk out of my room.

"No it's ok. You don't have to. We have other numbers still. I don't think this record company will like tardiness."

"No. I hate Alex right now but not the band. I'm going to see if his stupid ass is at home. I will call you back soon." I hung up on Jack and left my house, crossing the grassy area between Alex's house and my own. I walked to the door and knocked once before opening it. Isobel was sitting on her chair in the living room, watching t.v.

"Oh hello, Lola!" she said happily. "Want some pancakes, dear?"

"Oh no, it's ok. I'm good. Is Alex here?"

"Of course. but he didn't get home until 4 in the morning." Isobel said. I nodded and headed upstairs. I walked into Alex's room and he was sprawled across his bed, snoring. I picked up an empty Gatorade bottle off the floor and chucked it at him. He jumped up.

"Ow! What the fuck?!" he yelled.

"You're an idiot!" I shouted. He sighed.

"Look. about last night-" I cut him off.

"I don't want to hear your excuses and this is not about last night. Your meeting, you dumb fuck!" I shouted at him. His face fell completely. He looked at the time.

"FUCK!" he put his head in his hands.

"Yeah, you were so tired from fucking that slut, you forgot to set your alarm." I said.

"I didn't even fuck her. The most we did was make out. It didn't feel right." he said quietly, as if not for me to hear.

"So it felt right when I was talking to you? When I said I was your girlfriend and she just laughed at me and gave me that fake as fuck smile! You did nothing but sit there, Alex! How the fuck do you think that makes me feel?" I asked as tears involuntarily began to fill my eyes. I blinked to get them away but then ended up coming down. I tried to wipe them away. My knees were shaking and so was I. I was furious. I was upset. I couldn't stand any longer. I went to the end of his bed and sat down. I set my head in my hands and tried to regain myself. I felt a hand on my back.

"I'm sorry, Lola. I was drinking, I let the moment of fame get to my head. She told me she liked my band and she was talking about how her dad is a record dealer and I don't know what was going through my head, baby." he rubbed my back soothingly. I was quiet for a second while I thought.

"Is that how it's going to be while you're on tour? All these fan girls, groupies or whatever. They're going to be all over you. You can't hold out. I'm surprised we haven't had sex yet. Must be a world record." I didn't realize what I said was so mean.

"Well first of all, you're going to be with me the whole time. And second-" I looked at him like he was stupid.

"Are you serious?! I'm going to be with you on tour? Since when did you make up my mind for me? I have my own life. I have my own goals and dreams, Alex!" I said, quite loudly. He had nothing to say. "You might want to call Jack. He's waiting for you." I said and I got up and left.


I laid in the middle of my bed, with Blink 182 playing from my speakers of my stereo. I heard my balcony door open. I really should've locked that. I felt my bed move. I already knew who it was. It wasn't hard to guess, especially with the way he walks. He drags his feet, so you can hear it quite clearly. He then began to play with my hand and brought it to his lips and kissed it lightly, all over.

"I'm so sorry, Lola. I really am. I was being stupid. It will never, ever happen again. I swear to you." He said quietly. I looked at him. He looked sincere. I could see it in his perfect chocolate eyes. I just nodded and closed my eyes. He then scooted up and wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me to him, placing a kiss on my forehead. A small, barely audible mumble came from his lips.

"I love you, Lola. I really do."
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Lol I like the title for this chapter. Kind of misleads you, I guess. Ha ha. Well sorry, I can't seem to stop updating this story. I really like it. I haven't really done this with my other stories, I usually can't finish but I can't get enough of updating this one.

There will be A LOT more for sure. :)

Thanks to the readers and subscribers.
