Pass Me Another Bottle, Honey


**About Mid-February**

I leaned forward with my elbows on my knees and my hands under my chin. I bounced my feet along with the sound of rain from outside. I tried my best to focus on my guidance counselor but she was so dull all the time.

"So I'm glad you have gotten your driving license and a car. Now you can drive yourself around." she smiled. She didn't like Alex. She's the reason I got a license. She said Alex isn't always going to be there. Ha like she knows shit. Alex's and my relationship has been perfect.

"Yeah. It's cool." I said as I leaned back.

"Oh here. I have your college applications and your scholarship forms. You might want to get them done soon. The sooner the better." she handed me the papers and I stuck them in my bag.


"Yes. I really want you to succeed, Lola. I know you can do great things. Don't let anyone pull you down or wreck your dreams. Be all you can be." she breathed. I nodded.

"Okay, thanks. Bye." I said and got up. I left the room and walked through the hallways. Kids were here and there but everyone was mostly in the cafeteria. I pushed open the doors and everyone was at their own tables in their own cliques. I made my way through everyone to the table where my friends were. I sat down in between Alex and Jack.

"How was it with Ms. Keane?" Alex asked as he wrapped and arm around me and kissed me.

"Lame. She hates you so much. She thinks that you're bringing me down." I laughed. Alex smiled and kissed me.

"Alex. Tell her the news!!!" Jack said while fidgeting next to me like a small child. I laughed.

"What news?" I asked.

"Well we dropped Emerald Moon Records. We have a meeting with Hopeless Records tomorrow at 9." Alex said. I hugged him.

"That's so great! I'm happy for you, monkey." Everyone then began to talk and what not. Soon enough the bell rang and we all split to our classes.
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Filler. Sorry it's short. The next one will be better and longer. I promise.

Thanks to new readers/subscribers.
