Pass Me Another Bottle, Honey

Valentine's Day Part 1

"Lilly! Hurry your ass up!" I yelled up to her. She came walking down the stairs in shorts and wedge heels. I laughed.

"What's so funny?" she scoffed. I laughed more.

"You look more like a whore everyday." I laughed. She rolled her eyes and flipped me off.

"It's the first nice day and it's Valentine's Day. I have to look good for my valentines. And I'm just following your footsteps, sissy. I wanna be just like you." she smiled. I laughed.

"Get your butt in the car." I said and locked the door behind us. Lyric gasped and looked in the back seat of my car.

"What is it?" I asked as I walked over. I looked and the back seat was filled with different things like flower, pictures, cards, stuffed animals, etc. I smiled and opened the back door and looked at everything.

"That is so fucking cute. You lucky bitch." Lyric said.

"Your locker will probably be filled with cards and other bull shit by the end of the day." I said as I closed the door and got into the front seat. "I'll finish looking when we get to school." We made our way to the school, seeing random couples here and there along the way. Once at school Lyric left while I looked through all my stuff. I smiled as I read the note: 'Happy Valentines Day! I might not see you most of the day but go home after school for a surprise. I love you, Babe!' There was a picture of us at the bottom. There was also a framed picture of Alex and myself from Halloween, when Alex was trying to attempt to be a nerd but his costume sucked according to everyone else who judged the costume contest. Alex was devastated when he lost. There was a small stuffed Skeleanimals Lovestruck bat and around it's wing was a bracelet and on the other wing, there was a ring pinned on there. I smiled and put both on. The bell rang and I left my windows cracked open and locked my doors. I went to class.

Through out the day there we're cute couples holding hands and kissing. They even had Rose-Grams. I got a couple roses from friends and some secret admirers. I didn't even want to know who they were. I felt lonely without Alex by my side. He was at the Record Deal meeting with the rest of the guys so Kara was lonely too and Erin looked kind of depressed. Her and Jack have been talking, A LOT. But we made it through the school day. I was getting my things out of my locker.

"Can you give me a ride home? Aneko ditched me for some guy that asked her out for a date." Dalia's voice came from behind me. I jumped a bit.

"Jeez! You scared me." I said as I put a hand on my chest.

"Oh. Sorry." she smiled. "But, can you?"

"Yeah, for sure. Let's go." I said as I closed my locker and we walked to my car. Lyric was already there and some guy was talking to her. She was giggling. I laughed to my self. The guy left once we got there and Dalia tried to get into the back.

"Um, Lola, Where do I sit? On the huge card or maybe the flowers?" she asked while laughing. I laughed too and moved everything to one side of the car.

"Alex got you all of this and just left it in your car?" she asked. I nodded.

"He did it this morning." I let a smiled slide onto my face.

"That's cute." she smiled at me through the rear view mirror.

"That's what I said!" Lyric said.

"And did you get anything?" I asked her. She smiled and opened her bag. it was filled with cards and roses and a teddy bear. "Told ya so."


I made my way upstairs trying to hold most of my stuff, Lyric was behind me with the rest of the stuff. We went into my room and on the bed there was a big present box on the bed.

"Gosh, You lucky bitch." Lyric mumbled as she set my stuff next to my box and then left. I laughed.

"You're just jealous." I called after her as I looked at the huge box on my bed. The tag read:

To: My Love.
From: Your Love.
♠ ♠ ♠

The next half will for sure be posted by the end of the day.
I wonder what's in the box?
Any guesses?

Thanks to the new subscribers/readers.

Much Love.