Pass Me Another Bottle, Honey

Valentine's Day Part 2

I smiled as I opened the box. I pulled out a red strapless dress, shoes, perfume, and a note. I read the note.

'Hope you like it. Be ready at 7.-Alex. Oh BTW: I thought the perfume looked cute. IDK how it smells.'

I laughed and smelt the perfume. it smelt amazing. I don't know what it smelt like exactly but it was good. It was indescribable. I held up the dress. It was so cute. And the heels were really nice. I looked at my clock, it was 4:36 p.m. I decided to take a shower and get ready now.


I walked down the stairs, somehow still having balance in the six inch heels. Thanks Alex. I think he just doesn't want me to be able to run away when things go bad or whatever. Well they were lovely, so I guess that made up for it.

"Mom!" I called out. There wasn't a reply. "Dad!" I called again. I shrugged and grabbed a piece of paper and wrote a note saying I was out with Alex and will probably be home tonight.

"Lola? You still here?" I heard Lyric call.

"Yup." I shouted.

"Ok. Well have fun." She said.

"Aren't you going out?" I asked as I walked closer to the door.

"Yeah but in another hour and a half." She said. I shrugged and we said our goodbyes. I stepped outside and looked at the time. It was 6:55. I laughed and made my way over to Alex's house. I knocked once and then opened it. Alex was standing there trying to button up his suit's jacket. He looked nice. He refocused his attention on me. His jaw dropped. I blushed and walked to him and buttoned up his jacket and fixed his bow tie. I laughed at the fact that he even wore a bow tie. I was about to back away but he set his hands on my waist and pulled me closer to him.

"You're so tall." He laughed as he set his forehead against mine.

"Yeah thanks to these huge heels. Now I'm only 3 inches shorter." I smiled. He smiled and then kissed me softly. I had my hands on his shoulders and our foreheads were still against each others. We were lost in the moment until a flash went off. It snapped me out of my zone.

"You look so beautiful, Lola. So gorgeous. You and Alex look so great together. You're so cute and lovey and I love you both and-" Isobel became to babble until Peter came out and set a hand on her shoulder.

"Honey, I think they got the point. But kids, she sure is right. You guys look great together." he smiled. I blushed and Alex pulled me closer and kissed my forehead.

"Let's go." he said.

"Wait! A couple more pictures." Isobel said. I laughed and me and Alex stood there together with smiles on our faces for his mom. She finished up and hugged us both and Peter did too. Then we left. We got into Alex's car and he drove.


We left the restaurant hand in hand. We went to some expensive restaurant downtown. We were walking opposite way of the car.

"Alex. The car is the other way." I said while pointing behind me.

"I know. But we're going over here." he smiled. I shrugged and followed him. We stopped at a corner and just stood there.

"Alex what are we doing?" I asked, thinking that he did happen to get these heels for a true reason. He cracked a smile.

"Just wait." he said. I rubbed my arms to try and get rid of the goosebumps. There still was that cold air since it was still winter. Alex began to unbutton his jacket. He set it on my shoulders and wrapped his arms around me. I heard this clicking noise and the sound of something rolling. I furrowed my eye brows and looked behind me. Coming down the street was a horse-drawn carriage. I began to laugh. I looked at Alex.

"You didn't." I smiled.

"I did." he smiled back. I hid my face in his chest until it came to a stop next to us. I pulled away and looked at it. The horses were white and they had red reigns. The carriage was white with red trim. It was amazing. Alex opened the door to reveal the inside. Everything was red velvet like material. Alex held out his hand and I took it and got into the carriage. Alex followed in behind me. He put his arm around my shoulder and got comfortable so I snuggled into his side and relaxed. I closed my eyes and heard the horses hooves against the pavement of the road, the moving of the wheels of the carriage, Alex's breathing, his heartbeat. It was all peaceful and great.

"You smell amazing." Alex mumbled as he put his face in the crook of my neck. His hot breath cascaded down my neck.

"Yeah, the stuff you bought wasn't bad at all." I laughed. Alex's lips found a place on my neck, kissing it once. His free hand rubbed my thigh gently. The carriage came to a stop 10 minutes later. Alex got out and held out his hand to help me out. He tipped the carriage driver and the carriage driver left. I looked around us. We were at my house. Alex laced his fingers with mine and we walked to my front door. I unlocked the door with my key and we went in, locking the door behind us. We walked to the stairs and began to walk up them.

"You look beautiful, Love." I heard my mother's voice say. I stopped and turned. My mom was sitting on the couch, with her bottle of alcohol and photo album. She was trying to think of better times. She did this often, now days. I walked back down stairs. Alex waited there.

"Thanks mom." I smiled at her. I walked to her and she stood up, she was a little wobbly. I held out my hand to steady her. "What are you doing?"

"I was looking at the old photo album. Your dad is in the next city over, doing business as per usual." She slurred. I nodded. Mom was so lonely these days with dad always gone. I felt bad for always leaving. She looked at Alex.

"You look so handsome, Alexander. I'm so happy you are with my Love. Your happiness is my happiness." She said as tears filled her eyes. Alex made his way down the stairs and to my mom and hugged her.

"Thank you, Eliza. It means a lot to me." He said as he rubbed her back soothingly. I smiled at the sight. "Let's get you to bed." Alex said as he began to lead her upstairs. I covered behind, turning off the lights as we went. We put my mom in her bed and said our good nights. Alex then took my hand and led me to my room.

"Close your eyes." he said. I rolled my eyes and did what he said. I heard him open my door and then walk me in a little. Quiet music began to play. "Open." I did as he said again and was amazed. The rooms had little gold lights everywhere, rose petals, candles, the music. I threw my arms around Alex's neck and kissed him. He picked me up, not breaking the kiss and took us to the bed, laying down with me on top of him. I reached down and undid my shoes and kicked them off and laid my head on Alex. He ran his fingers through my hair.

"So did you guys get signed?" I asked. Alex smiled.

"Yes. Hopeless Records now is our record company. And they gave us our signing checks." He said.

"So that's how you got all this." I laughed.

"Basically." he laughed also.

"Who did the room?"

"I paid Lilly to do it after you left for your date with me and before she went on her date or whatever." he said. I smiled and kissed him.

"I love you, Alex." I said against his lips as I cuddled even more with him.

"I love you even more, Lola." he reconnected our lips back in a kiss.
♠ ♠ ♠
Lola I know. I went all out with this outfit, with hair and make up and what not.

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