Pass Me Another Bottle, Honey

Don't throw rocks at glass walls, or marble bowls.

"So you didn't have sex at all?!" Nova said with a shocked face. I shook my head. I was reading a magazine, laying on her bed. It was Saturday and I was still in awe from yesterday, Valentine's Day. Nova was on her computer across the room.

"Wow. That's crazy. Have you guys had sex any other time?" she asked.

"No." I said barely loud enough for her to hear.

"Dang. And he doesn't mind?"

"Not that I can tell. And if he does have a problem with it, he does a damn good job of hiding it." I shrugged.

"But neither of you guys are virgins. So why are you waiting?" She walked over and laid next to me.

"I don't know. I just don't really think about it all that much. Sex for me isn't all that." I said simply. Nova cocked an eyebrow at me.

"Then obviously you haven't had the right sex." she laughed. I rolled my eyes. " Well think about it, Lola. The only sex you've ever had was three times with the one same guy, Colin. And was he any good? No, he was a virgin too when he busted your cherry. But Alex is experienced. I mean think of all the stories we've heard or all the writing in the bathroom. The girls claim him to be a 'Sex God'." Nova smiled. I laughed.

"Then if he fucked all those girls then why would I want all their diseases or their seconds? Think about it Nova," I mocked her, "The girls that claim to have had sex with Alex are all the nasty ass hoes. Would you want to fuck Alex, knowing that they did?"

"Well, ew, hell no. But then why are you dating him? I mean I highly doubt he has diseases. He wears condoms, most likely. And if you're so worried about catching something then ask him to go get tested. He loves you enough to do it." she suggested. I laughed.

"Oh yeah. I can see it now. 'Hey babe, do you mind going and getting tested for any kind of sexually transmitted disease, so I can know that you don't have anything, and so we can finally have sex.'"

"He would definitely say yes." she said.

"I'm waiting for the perfect moment." She started to laugh.

"Are you serious?! Don't tell him that bullshit if he asks you about why you haven't done it yet, because he will react the same way as me. Last night wasn't a perfect moment? Dude, he bought you like 50 gifts that any other girl would die for! He took you out to a nice as hell dinner followed by a carriage ride home, and giving you his jacket to use! Oh and he put your mom to bed! Dude! You're fucking crazy." she ranted. I groaned and went back to reading the magazine. "Don't hold out too long, is what I'm trying to fully say. Cause, honestly, I think he won't be able to make it and it's going to end bad."

"Are you trying to say that he's going to cheat on me? Cause he won't do that." I said while looking at her.

"Oh, bull. Don't give him that much credit. I know he's such a sweet guy, cool, whatever else, but he's also that Alex Gaskarth that we went all through high school with. That Alex is still in him, I know for sure it hasn't left. And then what if they tour? That many girls and I know you won't go with him. You're too stubborn, Lola. You won't give up your dreams to follow him. What else is a guy supposed to do?"

"Wait. He will wait. He can wait." I said trying to make it seem like I wasn't thinking about what she was saying.

"He's only human, Lola! You can't expect him to wait that long. Remember all those times when we made bets on his other relationships for the hell of it? You thought the way I'm thinking now. You know it's the truth. He is still the same old Alex. He's just another teenage boy. Please don't try to give him so much credit cause if you don't see it, I'm sorry you're blind." she said. I tried to hide the fact that my eyes were filling up with tears. I couldn't take it anymore. I needed to get away. I quickly got up and slipped back on my shoes and left.

"Come on, Lola! Don't be mad! I'm only trying to help you in the long run!" she yelled after me. I ran down her stairs and out the door. I got into my car and left. Driving somewhere. I had no idea where but I was driving and driving there fast. I ended up at the building my parents work at. I wanted to see my mom and talk to her about this. She would help. I made my way into the building and got into the elevator. I pushed the number 10 and the elevator doors closed. I stood there, trying not to think about the fact that Alex is still the same old Alex. The Alex that dated girls as a sport, see how many he could get in a week. The Alex that was never tied down, he didn't allow himself to be. I was on the tenth floor finally. I walked up to the main secretary, Hillary.

"Hey, Hillary." I smiled. She smiled up at me but then her face fell a little when she saw my eyes.

"What's wrong, Lola?" she asked. I shook my head.

"Bunch of nothing. Is my mom here?" I asked.

"Oh sweetie, you just missed her. She went out for lunch."

"Well what about my dad?"

"He should be in his office. Go ahead on back." She smiled as she unlocked the door. I walked back and to my dad's office. I opened the door and was shocked.

"Oh jeez. Lola, it's not what it looks like, sport." He said. My eyes filled with tears. I closed my eyes

"Of course it isn't." I said quietly. I backed up and closed the door. I opened my eyes and stared at the door. I looked at the window next to it. It was a grayish glass, so you couldn't see through it. Tears flooded my eyes as I walked over to the desk that had the huge glass bowl filled with marbles. I picked it up and ran and threw it into my dad's glass wall. It smashed through, also breaking itself, releasing the marbles everywhere. The girl inside my dad's office screamed. The window was broken showing my dad and the girl both basically naked, in his office, together. People began to come out of their offices, all shocked at the window, but also shocked about the two inside. I then walked away and out the door. Hillary was looking at me.

"What was that noise in there?" she asked.

"Oh someone threw a glass bowl of marbles through someone's office window." I said simply and then walked into the elevator, wiping my tears away.
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Wow. You probably can figure what exactly was going on in her dad's office.

What's gonna happen next?

Thanks to the new readers/subscribers. And thanks to tigerlily51210 for commenting. :)