Pass Me Another Bottle, Honey


I grabbed my phone off of my dresser and texted Alex.

'My mom wants to go out for dinner. Wear something nice.'

I set my phone down and went to my closet. I was so lost in thought the whole time I was getting ready. I finally finished and I had about 10 minutes until we needed to leave. I walked down stairs where Lyric and my mom were. It was just to be us and Alex tonight.

"Mom, could you do me the biggest favor and not tell Alex about what came in the mail today?" I asked her. She gave me a confused look.

"But that's the reason we are going out tonight, honey. Why wouldn't you want him to know?" she asked me.

"I just want to tell him when I am ready to tell him, okay? Just don't anyone mention it. You too Lilly." I pointed at her. She just nodded and walked out the door. My mom followed out behind me. Alex was already by the car.

"Alex, you look so handsome!" my mom exclaimed. He gave her a hug and Lyric a small hug too. He opened the back seat door for me since Lyric sat in front. He got in on the other side. He gave me a quick kiss as we buckled up. At the restaurant I had to kick Lyric about 6 times, under the table, to make her not talk about the letter.

"So why did we come out for dinner tonight?" Alex asked. I looked at my mom with pleading eyes.

"Cause you two are graduating soon and I know after graduation you kids have a trip planned to Las Vegas so I thought that the week before would be a good night." my mom answered with a smile on her face. Alex nodded. I breathed out and continued with my food. "Are you guys excited for Vegas?" my mom asked. I laughed and so did Lyric. Lyric, Hanna, and Matt were coming too. Lyric and Hanna have the perfect fake ids that Aneko had got them. Aneko got us all ones for the bars if we decided to go to any.

"Of course." Lyric said with a devious smile on her face. My mom gave her a look.

"You girls better stay out of trouble. The last thing I want to do is have to pay for a ticket to get there to get you out of trouble or have to fly you back." my mom said. The plan for Vegas was to fly there after graduation on a Red Eye flight, get there in the morning since it was about a 5 hour flight, sleep again once at the hotel, wake up, do stuff, party. Well with more things added in of course. We are staying 4 days. Most of us were eighteen now besides Hanna and Lyric.

"It's that flight I'm dreading." Lyric said. Alex laughed a little. His hand found it's way to my knee and he left it there through the rest of dinner. The way home was filled with Lyric talking about what she wants to do while were at Vegas. I was quiet, deciding when I wanted to tell Alex about the letter. I knew he wouldn't like it at all.
♠ ♠ ♠

Ooo what is the letter?
Any guesses?

And a Vegas trip coming up soon either in the next chapter or the one after that.

Thanks to the new readers/subscribers.

Any comments?

Please and Thank you! <333