Pass Me Another Bottle, Honey

Welcome to Vegas

I yawned as I leaned my head on Alex's shoulder. he wrapped an arm around my shoulders and kissed my forehead. I'm surprised he hasn't mentioned it yet. I thought he definitely would. I know they announced it at the graduation. I saw his face fall from that amazing smile to absolute hurt.

"Love Lola Lively has been accepted to the University of Michigan. She remembers all of the good times with her friends and hanging out." One of the teachers spoke into the microphone, 6 hours ago. Right now we were at the airport and it was 12:15 a.m. Our flight was at 12:30. We were waiting to board. Finally our flight was called and we all boarded the plane. Alex made sure he got our seats next to each other.

Once the plane took off, I was asleep. Next thing I knew Alex was waking me up. We got off the plane and got our bags. We split into smaller groups and hailed taxis and ordered them to the Bellagio, the hotel we would be staying at for the next 4 days. It was about 6 in the morning and we had already reserved our rooms in advance so all we had to do was get the keys and go on up.

We all are sharing rooms. it was; Me and Alex, Kara and Rian, Jack and Matt, Erin and Nova, Aneko and Dalia, Hanna and Lyric, and Zack and Tegan. No Zack and Tegan are not dating. They weren't around when we discussed the room assignments and they were the last ones. They aren't very happy about it but oh well. They have to deal with it anyways. We all decided that we would sleep until at the most 11 and then all get ready and go out at 12.


The day went by quickly with all what we did. First we all went out to eat at some buffet. Then we all split up and went shopping. Alex and I went together and bought a lot. Now we were all getting ready to go out. When Alex and I went shopping we bought stuff to wear tonight and the rest of the week, nice clothes. We matched too. Finally we were done getting ready. Before we left the room, Alex stopped me and grabbed my face with his hands and looked me in the eyes.

"I love you, Lola. No matter what." he said. I smiled.

"I love you, too, Alex." I said and he kissed me for a bit and then we proceeded to leave for a night out on the Vegas Strip.
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Sorry it's short. The next chapter will be longer, I promise.

So your guys' answers were basically correct. Ha ha.

Thanks to new commenters/readers/subscribers.

Love you all! :D