Pass Me Another Bottle, Honey

More rounds of drinks

I woke up to groaning. I opened my eyes and Alex was curled in a ball with his arms around his stomach, his hair everywhere, still in his clothes from last night. He looked so helpless.

"Alex, are you okay?" I asked as I rubbed his arm, gently. He shook his head softly.

"I feel sick." He mumbled. I pushed the hair from out of his eyes and he opened them slowly, they were all red still. I sighed. All of the sudden he bolted up and ran for the bathroom. I jogged after him. I rubbed his back as he emptied the contents from his stomach into the toilet. After he was done he flushed the toilet and then grabbed his toothbrush by the sink and the toothpaste. He was brushing his teeth and I sat on the counter. He shot me side glances while he was brushing his teeth. I reached over the sink and grabbed my toiletry bag and pulled out a bottle of aspirin. I got out two and filled a small cup with sink water. I handed it to Alex after he finished. He took them and drank the water. he set the cup and stared at me. He looked so sad. His hair was everywhere still and the look on his face. I opened my arms and he went in between my legs and wrapped his arms around my waist as I wrapped my arms around his neck. His breath was cascading down my neck.

"I'm sorry, Lola. I lost track of time and we were drinking and catching up. Chris got me to drink. I should've stopped." he said quietly. I just nodded my head and ran my hands over his hair trying to smooth it down.

"It's ok. I forgive you." I said. He looked at me and gave me a small smile followed by a kiss.


We all had decided to go out again for another night on the strip but Alex promised he wouldn't leave this time. We dressed up again, both matching. I really liked the dress I was wearing, it was a little short and poofy but I still liked it. Both of us had on gold, but not all gold. Alex was wearing a black shirt and black pants with black and gold shoes and gold jewelry. I held his hand as our group walked down the strip. We stopped at a couple of bars or clubs for a bit and rank a couple of drinks, but we were walking them all off. We were walking past MGM hotel when I heard someone shouting.

"Alex!" A voice called from behind us. Everyone turned though, like all of our names were Alex. A girl came jogging up to us. My eyes were a bit wide probably cause I was in a bit of a shock to why this blonde, busty, leggy, high heeled, skimpy dress chick was come towards us. Why did Alex always attract the sluttiest looking girls. Alex let go of my hand and opened his arms. They hugged. I felt the presence of someone next to me. It was Erin. They stopped hugging and she walked closer to us, following Alex. Soon enough she was in front of me and I found myself looking up to her, no matter how tall my heels were. She looked very intimidating.

"Lola, this is Chris. Chris this is my fiance, Lola." Alex said. This was Chris! I thought Chris was a guy!

"It's so nice to meet you, finally. Alex has been telling me about you. You are even cuter in person." She flashed her perfect white teeth in a bright smile. I smiled back only cause it was the only thing I could bring myself to do. Erin nudged me.

"Thanks." I spoke out. She pulled me into a hug and I awkwardly hugged her back. She finally let go.

"So where are we going?" She asked as she clapped her hands together. No one said anything.

"I invited her along tonight if that's cool." Alex said to everyone. Everyone just nodded silently. She kept that big bright smile plastered on her face as we started off down the sidewalk. She walked in front of me with Alex, talking to him. I walked behind them both with Erin and Hanna. I tried not to stare. After a while Hanna pushed me up to Alex's other side. He noticed me and smiled at me. gave him back the best smile I could cause it worked. he grabbed my hand and then continued his conversation with Chris as I walked silently next to them. We stopped at some bar. We all showed our IDs and got in. The whole time at the bar, they continued to talk and drink.

"I will be right back. I'm going to the little girl's room. Would you like to join me?" Chris asked me.

"No thanks. I'm good." I said simply. She walked away alone. Alex turned to me.

"Why didn't you go with her? You guys could have had bonding time." Alex said. I just drank my drink.

"I don't have to go to the bathroom. And plus I want to bond with you, my fiance. Not some stranger." I said.

"She isn't a stranger to me. She is one of my friends and plus we bond all the time." he said.

"Not lately." I said quietly, hoping he didn't hear but I guess he did.

"Lola. Are you okay babe?" he asked as he set his hands on my face, making me look at him. I nodded my head. "That's a lie. What's up?"

"I just want to spend as much time with you-" He cut me off.

"Before you go to Michigan." he said simply, dropping his hands. Alex face fell as he looked away. I wrapped my arms around his neck. I don't know what I was doing but it felt right. I leaned up and kissed below his ear.

"Give me a reason to stay. Make me officially yours." I whispered. He kissed my cheek and looked at me with a smile. I can't believe I just said that. I just basically said that I would not go to Michigan if he made me his. I'm pretty sure you know what I'm insinuating. It's pretty obvious.

"So another round of drinks?" Chris' voice came from behind Alex. I hadn't noticed her there before so I jumped a little. I pulled myself from Alex, feeling that it would be awkward. Alex turned to her and nodded.

"Why not? Go ahead and order." he said. She smiled and then called over the bartender. Alex turned back to my and set his hands on my waist and pulled me close to him.

"Hopefully our tour of Las Vegas tonight takes us past a chapel." Alex said against my skin below my ear. I hugged him tight and looked around. I felt eyes on me. I looked at Chris and she was just staring at us intently. It kind of freaked me out.
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What a creeper right?

And Alex is so cute!

What will happen next chapter?!?! DUN DUN DUN! ha ha.

Comments and Subscribes would be cool. Thanks to all of you who are.

And check out my other story, Wishes.
