Pass Me Another Bottle, Honey

Deja Vu

"There you are!" Erin screamed out pointing at me. I laughed. "Come on We're leaving. Get Alex too." She walked away probably to wait outside. I down the rest of my drink and turned and looked around to see if Alex was around. He had left me by myself about 40 minutes ago, telling me that he'd be back. We've been at this bar for an hour. I finally spotted him with Chris down the bar more. I made my way down towards them, for some reason, counting the people in between us. There was 7 people. Chris spotted me and gave me this 'What the fuck?' look as I came up behind Alex. I tapped his shoulder and he didn't seem to notice. I did it again.

"What?" he snapped as he turned. He looked at me with wide eyes for a second but then they went back to being glassy looking. "Hey Lola."

"What's up?" Chris asked with her smile plastered on her face. For some reason it seemed so fake.

"We are all leaving." I said. She nodded and looked at Alex. They looked at each other for a second. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion but quit once they both turned to me.

"We will catch up in a bit." Alex said. I nodded and bit my lip.

"Can I talk to you for a second then, before I leave?" I asked and he nodded standing up. We walked a bit away from Chris.

"What's up?" he asked.

"I was just wondering if, well I don't know if you were serious but-" Alex pulled me to him and kissed me. He pulled his lips from mine and kept his forehead against mine.

"I was completely and one percent serious, Lola. Just let me and Chris hang out for a bit longer, I will catch up with you guys without her, we will find that white chapel somewhere in this city, I know it has tons. And Then when we get there, I'm marrying you whether you want to or not." He smiled. I felt the butterflies go crazy in my stomach. I connected my lips with his passionately. I leaned up to his ear.

"Don't get too messed up and I won't either. I want us to be able to remember this night forever." I whispered. He nodded and kissed me one last time and then went back to Chris. For some reason I felt like what had happened just a little while ago, not between me and Alex, but before that. I felt that It had happened before. I don't know. Maybe I was just going crazy. I shrugged it off and walked outside.

"Where's Alex?" Rian asked, his arm carelessly set over Kara's shoulder.

"Uh. He's going to hang with Chris for a bit then meet us later alone. he promised." I said. They all just looked at me. I know that I had sounded like I was assuring myself more than I was assuring them, but I had nothing to worry about, right?
♠ ♠ ♠

I just, also, wanted to tell you about some changes I made to previous chapters.

First change- I changed Alex's parents names to their real names: Isobel and Peter Gaskarth.

Second Change- I went through and fixed all my spelling and grammar errors cause I felt it was needed. I couldn't continue writing knowing I had left them there.

Third change- I added some stuff to some of the chapter before. Nothing major just made some of the things they said funnier or made it make more sense. Nothing important.

Fourth Change- This change is important cause it goes along with this chapter. Just note that there has been a little but drastic change to chapter 11 to make this even better. You can check it out. Cause it is also a hint. a BIG hint.