Pass Me Another Bottle, Honey

Kill me with words

I let out a frustrated groan as I paced in the hotel room. They said Alex would maybe be here, just like they said he would be the other night. But guess what. HE ISN'T. I couldn't stop pacing, back and forth, back and forth, through the room. My thoughts wandered to what he could be doing or where he is. I rubbed my forehead to think. Then it dawned on me. I stopped dead in my tracks.

"That smile. Those fake boobs. That stupid strut. Those stupid looks. How could I never notice?!" I yelled to myself. That was the same chick from the bar back in October. The same chick from their first show that was all over him. The same chick that flashed me that fake as fuck smile and said that I wasn't Alex's girlfriend anymore. I was angry. So angry. Of course Chris is short for Christina. I stopped thinking and focused when I heard a noise. A noise that sounded like someone trying to open my door. The door opened and in walked Alex. He finally looked at me and his eyes were wide. He rubbed the back of his neck.

"Hey babe." he said as he began to walk to me. I didn't say anything, I refused to say anything. Not yet at least. "Lola? You okay?" I could feel myself shaking with anger.

"Do I look okay?!" I shouted. Alex flinched a bit and stepped back, his eyes as wide as saucers. "Where were you Alex?! Christina's hotel room?! Fucking her?! Or did you take her to the chapel instead of me?! Have you had this planned the whole fucking time? To lead me on and then break my heart? To make a promise and tell me that you love me, over and over again, so I would fall in love with you?!" I shouted. Alex looked taken aback. I felt my eyes stinging. I wanted to cry but I wouldn't let myself. Alex's face all of the sudden turned mad.

"Why are you suddenly accusing me of sleeping with Chris?! Why would I do that to you?!" He yelled back.

"Because you promised, Alex. You promised me something that meant so dear to me that I was willing to give up all my dreams and future for you! Well I am sure as fuck glad I didn't now. That would be the worst mistake. Wait I think the worst mistake was ever meeting you in the first place!" Alex's face was red, completely red. But that didn't stop me. I couldn't stop. It was coming up like word vomit. "I know that Christina is that same blonde fake bitch from before Alex! I'm not that blind. But apparently I was blind enough to not notice you fucking around with my heart! You never loved me, did you?! How many times have you cheated on me?!"

"Never! I have never cheated on you in the past!"

"So you are admitting to cheating on me now though?! Fuck this. You're suck a man whore! Nova was right. I shouldn't have given you so much credit. I should've left your sleazy ass back when this first happened. You're such a dog, an asshole. Go fuck yourself or maybe Chris, again." I stomped over to our bed where all my things were. I began to throw them into my bag.

"What are you doing?!" I ignored him. "I didn't cheat, Lola. Would you just give me a chance to explain?!" I turned and walked up to him.

"Explain what, Alex?! How you 'just made out and it didn't feel right'. I'm not falling for your bullshit again. I'm done!" I yelled and took off the ring that was around my finger. I threw it somewhere in the room and went back to packing my things.

"Lola! Just wait! Don't leave. Please?!" he pleaded. I ignored him as I blinked back tears.

"No Alex. You're a whore. I don't associate with whores." I said calmly.

"But I love you, Lola." he said. I could hear something tugging his voice. I didn't want to look at him. I knew if I did, I wouldn't leave. "Please Lola." I felt his hands on my face and he pulled me to look at him. His eyes had streams of tears coming from them. I looked away as mine began to fall too. "I love you." he whispered as he set his head against mine. I closed my eyes tightly and mustered all my strength. I shoved him away from me and he stumbled to the floor.

"NO! Bullshit! I'm not going to just sit here while you lie! You didn't love me Alex. You just wanted me to be there for when you did need me." I said. I zipped up my bag and I began to walk to the door but Alex grabbed my bag, causing me to drop it. I couldn't stop myself and before I knew it I grabbed the closest thing, a bottle sitting on the table, and chucked it as hard as I could. It missed Alex by a couple inches, smashing on the wall behind him.

"I fucking hate you, Alex! Leave me alone! Don't call! Don't text! Don't try to come over! Don't look at me! Don't think about me! Don't do anything related to me! Just forget about me! I don't want to be with you! I refuse to let myself end up like my parents! I refuse to be broken by some asshole." I yelled. Alex didn't move. I picked up my bag and walked from the room as my tears blurred my vision. I made sure to slam the door behind me.

"Lola! Where are you going?!" I heard someone else's voice call. I didn't stop. I stepped into the elevator and pushed the button and it began to close as Alex got to the end of the hall. He just stared at me as he fell to his knees. I couldn't stand to watch him. The doors closed and I collapsed too. I was on the floor of the elevator with my head in my hands, sobbing. I got up when the bell for the door rang out. The people waiting to go in just stared at me with mouths open wide. I quickly walked away, trying not to trip in my heels which still were on me. I was still in my outfit from earlier in the night. I quickly exited the hotel and hailed a cab.

"Can you take me to the airport please?"
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Except to help me advertise this story. I will probably post another chapter or the sequel.

Thank you to all the readers and commenters and subscriber. I hope you tell people about it and continue on reading into the sequel. :)