Pass Me Another Bottle, Honey

You're such a creeper

I jogged down stairs as I heard the doorbell ring. Lilly followed right after me.

"Who the hell would come see us?" Lilly asked. I smiled to myself.

"I have no clue." I said. As we got closer to the door I could hear Alex's mom ordering him around.

"Alex fix your hair and pull up your pants. You look ridiculous." she scolded. I laughed to myself and then opened the door. Alex was running his hands along his hair and his pants looked a little to high. His face had a dazed look on it as he looked at me and smiled a goofy smiled. I laughed a little but stifled it. He looked like he had some kind of mental condition. I focused my attention to his mom.

"Hi." I smiled.

"Hello, dears. I'm Isobel Gaskarth and I'm your neighbor. This is my son Alexander." his mom smiled.

"Nice to meet you." I said as I shook their hands. "I'm Lola Lively and this is my sister Lilly."

"Oh how cute. You girls are some of the prettiest girls I've ever seen." she smiled. I smiled back.

"Thank you."

"Where are your parents? I would enjoy meeting them."

"Oh they're at work. They always work. Never usually home." Lilly shrugged. Isobel gasped.

"Oh my. Well you girls are welcome over anytime for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Stay the night too. Alex can sleep on the couch." she smiled excitedly. Alex smacked his forehead. I laughed.

"Of course. Thank you Mrs. Gaskarth." I said.

"Call me Isobel. Anytime you need anything come on over and in." she smiled and gave me and Lilly a hug.

"As a matter of fact. Why don't you come over for dinner? We have dinner at 6." she said happily. I nodded.

"Sure." I said. She said her goodbye and offered us Alex.

"Stay for a while honey. Get to know the girls." His mom said as she walked away. I looked at Lilly and she smiled big and high fived me. Alex looked scared.


We were blown. Completely stupid. It was almost six and we sat in the middle of my room. We as is Lilly, Alex and myself. We have been smoking for two hours straight. Plus me and Alex had smoked that morning and were still high when we got high again. And now we had dinner with his parents. I got up and found the eye drops and put some in my eyes. I tossed it to Alex. He made a pout face.

"I can't put them in." he frowned. I rolled my eyes and laughed. He was still on the ground so I knelled down in front of him and put the eye drops in. He then quickly pecked my lips with his. I looked to Lilly to see if she had seen the kiss but she was zoning out. I started to laugh and I walked over to her and put the eye drops in her eyes. I sprayed myself with perfume and Lilly too. We all three then left over to Alex's. Maybe his parents won't notice or won't care. Alex quickly jogged upstairs to spray himself with cologne. He came running back down and then led us into the dining room where his mom was finishing setting the table up. His dad was taking his seat.

"Just in time, kids." his dad said.

"Dad these are the new neighbors. Lola and Lilly Lively." Alex said.

"Well those names are a mouthfull. Wouldn't try saying it five times fast." he let out a chuckle, "Hello girls. Peter Gaskarth." he said as he did a small wave.

"Well girls take a seat." Isobel said. We smiled and did so. She served us the food and we began to eat. It was quiet for most of the dinner besides the occasional questions like where I'm from or what school do I attend. They were shocked why Alex didn't know me before. It was mostly cause I wanted to avoid the manwhore of the school. After dinner Alex got a phone call and he told someone to come on over. We sat in his back yard. His mom poked her head out the back door.

"Me and your dad are going to go sleep. Night girls. Night Alex." she said with a smile. We all said good night.

"Gee they go to sleep early." Lilly said as she sat at the edge of the pool with her feet in.

"No. That's their way of saying they are going to go into their room, turn the t.v. up, watch movies and drink until they pass out." Alex laughed. We all joined in. All of the sudden and flash of white with black came by and jumped into the pool causing it to splash. Alex laughed and more laughter came. Other guys. I turned around to see two other guys. And another in the pool. Lilly was laughing really loudly. Gosh she was so high.

"Lola and Lilly meet Jack, Rian and Zack." Alex said while pointing to each person as he said the names. We said hellos and then just hung out and talked. I sat at the edge of the pool next to Alex with our feet in it. The other guys were talking to Lilly. Just normal talking. Alex was staring at me. I smiled.

"You're such a creeper. Do you stare at me when I'm in my room too?" I asked.

"Wait your window is across from mine?" He asked. I laughed and nodded. "Well we know that you watch me now." He laughed. I socked his arm playfully.

"No, idiot." I said with a laugh. I set my hand back down and then I felt his hand on top of it. He turned it around and laced our fingers together.

"I like watching you. I'm always so captivated by your beauty." he said softly. I instantly began to blush. I looked away, trying to hide my face from his. He chuckled and brought my face back to his. He placed his lips gently against mine. I completely gave myself to him. I pulled away then realizing that there were people around. I looked over there and only saw Jack looking. He put a finger to his mouth as to say secret. I laughed a little.

"I think we should go to our house and hang out there!" Lilly shouted. I laughed and agreed. So that's where we moved to. But I heard music coming from inside and I took note of some familiar car in the driveway. I then began to run to the door excitedly. I threw open the door.

"No way!"
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